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Updated: August 15, 2024

'Come back again, Captain, said one little sturdy fellow, 'and Jenny will be your wife. Jenny was about eleven years old; she ran and hid herself behind her mammy. 'Captain, come back, said a little fat roll-about girl of six, holding her mouth up to be kissed, 'and I'll be your wife my ainsell.

Ye see I hae been thinking it wad be a sair thing on twa young folk, like Grace and me, to put aff our marriage for mony years till I was abroad and came back again wi' some gear; and they say folk maunna take booty in the wars as they did lang syne, and the queen's pay is a sma' matter; there's nae gathering gear on that and then my grandame's auld and my sisters wad sit peengin' at the ingle-side for want o' me to ding them about and Earnscliff, or the neighbourhood, or maybe your ainsell, Elshie, might want some good turn that Hob Elliot could do ye and it's a pity that the auld house o' the Heugh-foot should be wrecked a'thegither.

'Come back again, Captain, said one little sturdy fellow, 'and Jenny will be your wife. Jenny was about eleven years old; she ran and hid herself behind her mammy. 'Captain, come back, said a little fat roll-about girl of six, holding her mouth up to be kissed, 'and I'll be your wife my ainsell.

"Now, Cot forgie your honour," said Janet; "for it is no like your ainsell to give such names to a faitherless bairn." "I have got nothing else to give him, Janet; he must wait a little."

"That makes nae difference, man," replied Sharpitlaw "the dress, the light, the confusion, and maybe a touch o' a blackit cork, or a slake o' paint-hout, Ratton, I have seen ye dress your ainsell, that the deevil ye belang to durstna hae made oath t'ye." "And that's true, too," said Ratcliffe.

Jenny was about eleven years old she ran and hid herself behind her mammy. "Captain, come back," said a little fat roll-about girl of six, holding her mouth up to be kissed, "and I'll be your wife my ainsell." "They must be of harder mould than I," thought Brown, "who could part from so many kind hearts with indifference.

"The judgment of Heaven ye predicated for us, seems to have fallen on your ainsell, and to have laid you low, even afore our arm could touch you. Ye have gude reason to be thankful you have escaped the woodie; sae e'en make a clean breast of it, confess your enormities, and reveal to us the secret matter whilk we are tauld ye hae to communicate!"

'Come back again, Captain, said one little sturdy fellow, 'and Jenny will be your wife. Jenny was about eleven years old; she ran and hid herself behind her mammy. 'Captain, come back, said a little fat roll-about girl of six, holding her mouth up to be kissed, 'and I'll be your wife my ainsell.

"In troth, ye garr'd my heart loup to my very mouth But it canna be your ainsell, for ye look taller and mair manly-like than ye used to do." "It is, however, my own self," said Henry, sighing and smiling at the same time; "I believe this dress may make me look taller, and these times, Ailie, make men out of boys."

"In troth, ye garr'd my heart loup to my very mouth But it canna be your ainsell, for ye look taller and mair manly-like than ye used to do." "It is, however, my own self," said Henry, sighing and smiling at the same time; "I believe this dress may make me look taller, and these times, Ailie, make men out of boys."

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