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Still, it is a good thing to put one's heart in one's work, and so much Thomas Telford certainly did. About this time, too, the rising young mason began to feel that he must get a little more accurate scientific knowledge. The period for general study had now passed by, and the period for special trade reading had set in. This was well.

They were kept regularly informed of the banners, speech-makings, drillings, pigeon-matches and what not; and at least in some instances they contrived to obtain pretty accurate reports of the proceedings at Mackenzie's meetings. But they committed the grave error of undervaluing their opponents. They would not believe it possible that Mackenzie could ever again be dangerous.

In no society in the world can the advantage of travel be so conspicuous as in America, in other countries a tone of unpretending simplicity can more than compensate for the absence of enlarged views or accurate observation; but this tone is not to be found in America, or if it be, it is only among those who, having looked at that insignificant portion of the world not included in the Union, have learnt to know how much is still unknown within the mighty part which is.

This accurate historical penetration on the part of one who knew but little of history is the finest flower in the poet's crown. What he said of John Brown may now seem somewhat exaggerated; but the importance of the event has never been exaggerated. An argument, however, is not always to be avoided even at such times as we are least inclined for it.

He was clever, certainly, and had made several useful suggestions to the millwright who occasionally came to examine and repair the works; but he was by no means so accurate a mechanic as he fancied himself to be.

Since we parted, studious days had educated him; life, too, and his own exertions in it, and his native habit of close and accurate observation, had likewise begun to educate him. The town of Hillsborough, in 1829, gave Franklin Pierce his first public honor, by electing him its representative in the legislature of the state.

It furnishes a most truthful and accurate picture of the "inimitable," recognizable in every page.

The extent of the new walls, erected by Aurelian, and finished in the reign of Probus, was magnified by popular estimation to near fifty, but is reduced by accurate measurement to about twenty-one miles. It was a great but a melancholy labor, since the defence of the capital betrayed the decline of the monarchy.

And you can coördinate your directory work with the chief clerk at Files. You've got excess people here, Kirk. We don't need any of them." He looked at the desks and felt a wave of consternation. Kirk spread his hands. "But we have the information we need close at hand, sir. Our directory has been coming out on time, and in accurate condition. And our billing is well organized.

This is a peach of a night for long distance receiving." Hal needed no second bidding and soon he was busy with coil and detector. Cub's "weather report" proved to be accurate, for in a few moments he announced: "Here's Schenectady, New York, with some opera." Over went the switch and with the move came a hornful of vocal resonance.