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Abrahams with gentle chiding answering her: "No, be good: your name is Ruth Levi". For during two years at the Jewish Asylum at Wroxham they had tilled into her shrieking brain, "Now, be good: your name is Rachel Oppenheimer", and one day she had said: "My name is Rachel Oppenheimer", and had been saying it ever since.

See the King with his golden crown, Tri-de-laddie, O!" By noon the Abrahams and Rebekah were being tugged out of harbour, to the hand-wavings and god-speeds of seven emigrant-boats by the quay; but it was not till five that the Regent's emissaries could obtain a special train on the thronged lines; and not till after seven did they arrive with Margaret at the Palace-gates.

As in his maturity, it was to the Bible he turned for suggestions: Saint Paul in prison, Samson and Delilah, the Presentation in the Temple these were the themes then in vogue which he preferred, rendering them with the realism which distinguished his later, more famous Samsons and Abrahams and Christs, making them the motive for a fine arrangement of color, for a striking study of light and shadow.

"It's just as easy for me to change it to Abrahams as to Graham," she said with charming obstinacy. He contemplated her for some moments in silence, with a whimsical look on his face. Then he looked up at the sky the brilliant color harmonies were deepening into a more sober magnificence. "I'll tell you what I will do. Ill join the Asmoneans.

Israel Abrahams in his profound little book on "Judaism" that "God, in the early literature a tribal, non-moral Deity, was in the later literature a righteous ruler, who, with Amos and Hosea, loved and demanded righteousness in man," and that there was an expansion from a national to a universal Ruler.

Sally closed her eyes, and as she did so from somewhere up near the roof there came the song of a bird. Isadore Abrahams was a man of his word. He advertised a Flower Garden, and he had tried to give the public something as closely resembling a flower-garden as it was possible for an overcrowded, overheated, overnoisy Broadway dancing-resort to achieve.

I think not without the further analysis which would be necessary. I have a very strong distrust of the efforts which Jung and Abrahams have made, followed by some of us, to draw analogy between the morphological changes and the psychological experiences of the race as reproductions in the life history of the individual.

Well, I won't say I can't ride it now, nor I won't say it don't come easy. You see, Mr Abrahams, there ain't many things an Englishman can't do if he gives his mind to it." "You look well, Mr Samuel," said the old man, smiling. "Now, no chaff!" said Sam suspiciously. "No gammon! You mean it?" "Of course." "Well, I'm glad I do.

It was only the very large stores that had anything to sell. Before the war broke out Abrahams and Co. had purchased an immense stock of foodstuffs; but a great hole had been made in it, and it was to be much greater after Christmas. It was at Abrahams', therefore, that the multitude swarmed. The traffic in sweet peas, jams, and raisins was heavy.

The Joels were Hebrews; the Rudds supposed to belong to the same race through some remote ancestor; the Mosenthals, Abrahams, Phillipps, and other notabilities of the Rand and Kimberley, were Jews, and one among the so-called Reformers, associated with the Jameson Raid, was an American engineer, John Hays Hammond.