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The fort seemed a focus for all the rays of the sun, and was intensely hot, the thermometer ranging from 95 to 110 in the shade; nor was the situation healthy, for a great many Goorkahs were in hospital, and all were more or less debilitated from the effects of the climate.

Holland, 95; but per contra see Herndon, 271. March, 1843. By way of example of his methods, see letter to Herndon, June 22, 1848, Lamon, 299. The treaty of peace, subject to some amendments, was ratified by the Senate March 10, 1848, and officially promulgated on July 4. Von Holst, Const. Hist. of U.S. iii. 336.

Finch was to follow the party as soon as he could procure the carts and bullocks necessary for the carriage of these stores. After travelling six hours, we encamped beside a small watercourse near Mussel Brook, the thermometer at four P.M. being as high as 95 degrees. In the evening, the burning grass became rather alarming, especially as we had a small stock of ammunition in one of the carts.

In clothing, including underwear, wages are from $3 to $15 per week, and the average annual income of women in these trades is given as $300 per year. In cloakmaking the lowest wage is $3, the highest $9, and the average $7.50. The average wage for San Francisco is given as $6.95, and that for the whole State is about $6.

[Footnote 95: Baini observes, that the chant of this hymn is one of the few instances of rhythmical chant preserved by uninterrupted tradition in the papal chapel and adorned with the ancient ornaments. (See his Saggio sopra l'indentit

They amounted to between three and four thousand men. Belling's History of the late Warre in Ireland, MS. ii. 95. I mention this instance to show that Cromwell did not introduce the practice of massacre.

In this memorable year '95 a curious and incongruous succession of cases had engaged his attention, ranging from his famous investigation of the sudden death of Cardinal Tosca an inquiry which was carried out by him at the express desire of His Holiness the Pope down to his arrest of Wilson, the notorious canary-trainer, which removed a plague-spot from the East-End of London.

The number of operatives in cotton mills has increased during the last ten years from 118,000 to 174,000, in jute mills from 65,000 to 114,000, in coal and other mines from 35,000 to 95,000, and in miscellaneous industries from 184,000 to 500,000. The railway employes have increased in number from 284,000 to 357,000 in ten years.

Jonathan Hill's feed store. Mr. Hill was reading "Sartor Resartus" in his little office, the temperature of which must have been 95, and Mr. Dodd was perspiring when he got there. "It's come," said Mr. Dodd, sententiously. "What's come?" inquired Mr. Hill, mildly. "Isaac D.'s come, that's what," said Mr. Dodd. "I hain't b'en sleepin' well of nights, lately.

Now we have about five per cent. of thoroughly skilled moulders and core setters, but the remaining 95 per cent. are unskilled, or to put it more accurately, must be skilled in exactly one operation which the most stupid man can learn within two days. The moulding is all done by machinery.