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Updated: August 9, 2024

Men seem then to have been ambitious of representing the counties, but careless on the boroughs. A seat in the house was, in itself, of small importance: but the former became a point of honor among the gentlemen. Journ. 10th Feb. 1620. Towns which had formerly neglected their right of sending members, now began to claim it. Journ. 26th Feb. 1623.

The economical success which had attended the introduction of negroes into the West Indies made it almost certain that the American colonies would betake themselves to the same resource. The first introduction of negroes is commonly placed in the year 1620, when a Dutch ship landed twenty of them for sale at Jamestown. For some years their numbers increased but slowly.

Beginning their preparation in the slave-trade in 1618, just two years previous, giving time for successfully carrying out the project against the landing of the first emigrant settlers, it will be observed that the African captain, and the "Puritan" emigrants, landed upon the same section of the continent at the same time, 1620 the Pilgrims at Plymouth, and the captives at New Bedford, but a few miles comparatively south.

He was born in 1620, and was distinguished by becoming the god-child of the King, the royal sponsor bestowing his own name on the unconscious babe, who was in after years to be a sturdy defender of France's dominions over the ocean. He became a soldier at the age of fifteen, and even in early youth and manhood saw active service and gave promise of gallantry and bravery.

JAN WYNANTS, born at Haarlem about 1620, and still living in 1677, was the first master who applied all the developed qualities of the Dutch School to the treatment of landscape painting. In general his prevailing tone is clear and bright, more especially in the green of his trees and plants, which in many cases, merges into blue.

That monument is the "Congregation of Notre Dame," which has rendered such incalculable service to the cause of religion in Canada. Margaret Bourgeois was born in the city of Troyes, in Champagne, on the 15th of April, 1620. Her father, Abraham Bourgeois, was an honest merchant of that city, who espoused Guillamette Garnier.

Between 1620 and 1770 three million slaves were driven in gangs down to the African seacoast, and transported to the colonies. At this time some of the greatest houses in London, Lisbon and Madrid were founded, and some of the greatest family names were established during these one hundred and fifty years when the slave traffic was most prosperous.

When a friend or a relative tells a man that he is behaving scandalously, the recipient of the information is apt to say that his informer is "cracked." The earliest hint of Lord Purbeck's insanity was given in 1620.

On the contrary, he had always been forward to declare that the King could not do without Parliament, and that Parliament only needed to be dealt with generously, and as "became a King," to be not a danger and hindrance to the Crown but its most sincere and trustworthy support. What was then to portend danger to Bacon when the Parliament of 1620/21 met?

The final result was a treaty of peace, to which the chief contracting parties were the French, the Hurons, the Algonquins, and the Iroquois, who agreed thenceforward to remain on peaceable terms with each other. The peace thus established was not of long duration. In the mean time the improvements projected by Champlain in 1620 were steadily prosecuted.

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