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Again in the automobile to Coppa's where Chicken Portola was served, with green peas. Accompanying this was a glass of Krug, and this was followed by a glass of zabaione for dessert. Then around the corner to Gouailhardou & Rondel's, the Market Cafe, where from a plain pine table, and on sanded floor, we had our coffee royal.

Although she kept on saying to herself: "It's impossible!" she could not get rid of the horrible suspicion which had assailed her. On the contrary, it seemed to grow in her till it was almost a conviction. She tried to eat tranquilly. She praised the Zabaione. She sipped her Chianti Rosso.

Mix all well together and with this fill the half peaches. Moisten all with half a cup of white wine and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a hot oven ten minutes and pour over zabaione and serve. This will make a most delicious dessert dish. Sultana Roll

Bisque of Ecrevisse Chablis, or White Sauterne Sand-dabs Edward VII Sliced Cucumbers, Iced Escargot Francais Chateau Lafitte Cassolette of Terrapin, Maryland Romanee Tagliarini des Beaux Arts Punch Pistache Cigarettes Alligator Pears with Cumquats, French Dressing Chicken Portola Krug Private Cuvee Brut Creamed New Potatoes Celery Victor French Peas Zabaione Reina Cabot Coffee Royal Cigarettes

She was miserable in her uncertainty, but she was afraid of having her horrible suspicion confirmed. She was a coward at that moment, and she knew it. Craven finished his Zabaione and put down his spoon. They had not ordered another course. The dinner was over. But they had not had their coffee yet, and he asked for it. "Are you going to smoke a Toscana?" she said, forcing herself to smile.

Cook the peeled mushrooms in the remaining sauce before the last thickening, and serve in gravy boat to pour over the chicken. Zabaione Beat together, hard, for six minutes, six eggs and four teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar in a double boiler and place over a gentle fire, never ceasing to whip until the contents become stiff enough to sustain a coffee spoon upright in the middle.

Here is the Zabaione." The waitress put two large glasses before them filled with the thick yellow custard, then brought them a plate of biscuits. Lady Sellingworth laid down the fan and picked up her spoon. She must eat. But she did not know how she was going to force herself to do it.

Presently Miss Van Tuyn, turning three-quarters face, sent him a "coffee-look," and he saw that a coffee apparatus of the hour-glass type was being placed on the table by the window. He nodded, but held up a clean spoon to indicate that his zabaione had yet to be swallowed. She smiled, understanding, and spoke again to Lady Sellingworth.

But she tasted nothing, and when the musicians struck up another melody she did not know what they were playing. "Are you tired of it?" Craven had spoken to her. "Of what?" she asked, as if almost startled. "That Santa Lucia?" "Oh is it?" He looked astonished. "Oh yes, I must say I am rather sick of it!" she said quickly. She laid down her spoon. "Don't you like the Zabaione?"