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She asked the writer to give her greeting to ... the friends in Írán and to the many American Bahá’ís, who she said had been so remarkably kind to her during her trip through the United States the year before... Meeting the Queen again on January 19, 1928, in the Royal Palace in Belgrade, where she and H.R.H. Princess Ileana were guests of the Queen of Yugoslaviaand they had brought some of their Bahá’í books with themthe words that I shall remember longest of all that her dear Majesty said were these: ‘The ultimate dream which we shall realize is that the Bahá’í channel of thought has such strength, it will serve little by little to become a light to all those searching for the real expression of Truth’... Then in the audience in Controceni Palace, on February 16, 1934, when her Majesty was told that the Rumanian translation of ‘Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era’ had just been published in Bucharest, she said she was so happy that her people were to have the blessing of reading this precious teaching... And now today, February 4, 1936, I have just had another audience with Her Majesty in Controceni Palace, in Bucharest... Again Queen Marie of Rumania received me cordially in her softly lighted library, for the hour was six o’clock... What a memorable visit it was!... She also told me that when she was in London she had met a Bahá’í, Lady Blomfield, who had shown her the original Message that Bahá’u’lláh had sent to her grand-mother, Queen Victoria, in London.

Recent agreements between Turkey and Pakistan have laid a foundation for increased strength in the Middle East. With our understanding support, Egypt and Britain, Yugoslavia and Italy, Britain and Iran have resolved dangerous differences. The security of the Mediterranean has been enhanced by an alliance among Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia.

We were received by the well-known Byzantine scholar Stephen Runciman who was in charge of all foreign language broadcasts directed to Europe, that is, the Balkans, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Poland and several others. But at that time, he used to entertain us daily with a fresh episode about his Aunt Agatha with the wooden leg."

In 1940, Italy attacked France and later Greece without warning. And this year, in 1941, the Axis Powers attacked Yugoslavia and Greece and they dominated the Balkans without warning. In 1941, also, Hitler invaded Russia without warning. And now Japan has attacked Malaya and Thailand and the United States without warning. It is all of one pattern. We are now in this war.

Since Rumania will border both on Bohemia and Yugoslavia, the Germans will be completely encircled by a strong Latin-Slav barrier, of which Bohemia will form the centre, working for stability in Central Europe and safeguarding Europe from a repetition of the German attempts at world domination. The Czecho-Slovak State itself will be strong both strategically and economically.

Like the Czechs, the Poles are threatened by the Pan-German schemes of Mitteleuropa and "Drang nach Osten," to which they are bitterly opposed. These plans can be checked effectively only by the establishment of a strong and united Poland with access to the sea, a strong Czecho-Slovak State, and a united and independent Yugoslavia and Rumania.

The ionisation moves very rapidly sometimes you may be talking to a station in Malta and he suddenly disappears and a station in Yugoslavia comes up on the same frequency." "Every summer" George continued, "we get Troposcatter which allows communication on all frequencies from VHF to 10 GHz even.

When the latter died and the USSR evaporated, the region imploded. Countries from the USSR to Italy to Belgium to Canada to Yugoslavia were gradually reduced to geopolitical atoms: provinces, districts, regions, resurrected political units. Faced with the Yugoslav wars of succession, the Big Powers again chose wrongly.

Slovenia's GDP per capita is 7 times Macedonia's. The economies of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary are light years removed from those of Yugoslavia or even Bulgaria. Nor do these countries attempt real integration.

A free Yugoslavia, an independent Greater Poland and the Czecho-Slovak State are already in process of formation, closely allied to each other, not only by the knowledge of common economic interests, but also on the ground of the moral prerogatives of international right. "Peace is in sight. We wanted to be admitted to peace negotiations with representatives of other nations.