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Updated: July 31, 2024

No serious difficulty has arisen in accomplishing the extradition of criminals when necessary. It is probable that all points of disagreement will in due time be settled, and, if need be, more explicit declarations be made in a new treaty. The Fishery Commission under Articles XVIII to XXV of the treaty of Washington has concluded its session at Halifax.

He had been a judge from 1822; he died at the age of seventy-four in 1851. Baron Gifford died a few months later, viz., in Sept. 1826; he had been Attorney-General in 1819, and Chief-Justice in 1824. Lord and Lady Gifford had visited Abbotsford in the autumn of 1825. Speech of Lord Chancellor Seafield on the ratification of the Scottish Union. See Miscell. Prose Works, vol. xxv. p. 93.

Sir J. G. Frazer, in Archæological Review, i., 81-91, 161-81, who made an attempt, the first of its kind, to restore the original archetype of the story of "The Boy Who Became Pope," on the same principle as classical scholars restore readings from families of MSS. He uses Grimm, xxxiii.; Crane, xliii.; Sebillot, 2d series xxv.; and Fleury, 123 seq.

That servants who were "bought" sold themselves is a fair inference from various passages of Scripture. In Leviticus xxv. 47, the case of the Israelite, who became the servant of the stranger, the words are, "If he SELL HIMSELF unto the stranger."

And though Moses was the greatest prophet that ever arose in Israel, yet God would not leave any part of the work to Moses’ arbitrement, but straitly commandeth him, “Look that thou make them after their pattern, which was showed thee in the mount,” Exod. xxv. 40.

But I shall be told that the Jews had other servants who were absolute slaves. Let us look a little into this also. They had other servants who were procured from the heathen. Bondmen and bondmaids might be bought of the heathen round about them. Lev. xxv, 44. I will now try the right of the southern planter by the claims of Hebrew masters to their heathen servants.

A plainer violation of the Constitution would be difficult to imagine. Yet Marshall's decision setting aside the act was followed by a renewed effort to procure the repeal of Section XXV of the Judiciary Act. The discussion of the proposal threw into interesting contrast two points of view.

I wish he had! And, were it not for his own sake, that he had killed me! Mr. They are all in tumults! How it will end, I know not I am quite weary of life So happy, till within these few weeks! So miserable now! Well, indeed, might my mother say, that I should have severe trials.* * See Letter XXV. They have desired, that I may be consigned over entirely to their management.

Robert Douglas, Minister at Edinburgh, and one of the Members of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. 1 Chron. xxix. 23. Then Solomon sat on the Throne of the Lord as King, in stead of David his Father, and prospered, and all Israel obeyed him. Prov. xx. 8. A King that sitteth in the Throne of Judgment, scattereth away all Evil with his Eyes. Prov. xxv. 5.

XXV. That the Court of Directors, on receiving an account of the above arrangements, and being well apprised of the spirit, intention, and probable effect of the same, did, in a clear, firm, and decisive manner, express their condemnation of the measure, and their rejection and reprobation of all the pretended grounds and reasons on which the same was supported, marking distinctly his prevarication and contradictions in the same, and pointing to him their full conviction of the unworthy motives on which he had made so shameful an arrangement: telling him, in the 17th paragraph of their general letter of the 4th of February, 1779, "The Nabob's letters of the 25th and 30th of August, of the 3d of September, and 17th of November, leave us no doubt of the true design of this extraordinary business being to bring forward Munny Begum, and again to invest her with improper power and influence, notwithstanding our former declaration, that so great a part of the Nabob's allowance had been embezzled and misapplied under her superintendence."

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