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First came the gathering of the golden harvest; then the joyous vintage-time, when the wine-press creaked all day in every open cellar along the village street, and long files of country carts came down from the hills in the dusk evenings, laden with baskets and barrels full of white and purple grapes.

Within the house enclosure are an olive mill and press, a wine-press and a great storehouse of wine, containing now little but empty casks, a dusky, interesting place, with pomegranates and dried bunches of grapes and oranges and pieces of jerked meat hanging from the rafters. Near by is a cornhouse and a small distillery, and the corrals for sheep shearing are not far off.

It held a wine-press, having its workmen embowered among the vines, and it contained the family of the second father of the human race. As it rolled past, traces of the rich liquor were left in the tracks of its wheels.

There was no moral wrong in eluding the vigilance of the Midian spies, in transporting the wheat from the open country, where the wind might fan away the chaff, to the comparative seclusion and unlikeliness of the wine-press; but there was nothing specially heroic or inspiring in the spectacle.

Surely it need not be added, that those who thus tread down their equals, must trample as in a wine-press their defenceless vassals. If, when in passion, they seize those who are on their own level, and dash them under their feet, with what a crushing vengeance will they leap upon those who are always under their feet? Bourne published a work entitled, "Picture of slavery in the United States."

"Come, now! let us this year make a wine that shall be like the nectar for a true man's soul!" So, with one accord, they gathered the richest grapes, and selected from them; then they made the wine-press clean and sweet, and cast the grapes therein.

He thanks God not because of the carnage, but because when the wine-press of new ideals was being trodden, he was born in an age when he could do his share. America's going through just about the same experience as myself. She's feeling broader in the chest, bigger in the heart and her eyes are clearer.

In another, a row of boxes or pens were partially filled with a powdered mixture of the raw and burnt clay, and this, being moistened with water, was worked to a proper consistency beneath the bare feet of several stout men. "This work, like the treading of the wine-press, can be properly performed only by human feet," remarked Monsieur.

And the angel thrust in his sickle upon the earth, and gathered the grapes of the vine of the earth, and cast them into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the wine-press was trodden without the city, and blood issued from the wine-press, as high as the horses' bridles, for the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Some were blooming, others had only begun to form fruit-buds, while some were loaded with ripe clusters ready for the wine-press. At the end of the orchard there was a magnificent flower-garden, in which the most fragrant flowers were blooming. Two springs also bubbled from the ground.