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Saufen Bier und Brantewein, Schmeissen alle die Fenstern ein; Ich bin liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind wir nicht liederlich Leute a? 'Well said, my hearty Captain! cried Glossin, endeavouring to catch the tone of revelry, 'Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, Dash the window-glass to shivers!

On a platform of loose planks, the assistants turned their air-mills; a stone might be swinging between wind and water; underneath the swell ran gaily; and from time to time, a mailed dragon with a window-glass snout came dripping up the ladder.

The rain was more sleet than rain; for it froze as it fell, and clattered noisily against the blurred window-glass. A morning for hot coffee and muffins, and roaring fires and newspapers and easy-chairs, and in which you would not have the heart to turn your enemy's dog from the door.

"When I give you the window-glass spectacles I have in my pocket, you'll be the beau-idéal of a French commercial traveller." Pitman did not reply, but continued to gaze disconsolately on his image in the glass. "Do you know," asked Michael, "what the Governor of South Carolina said to the Governor of North Carolina?

In the basements were smaller stores where ice and coal and firewood and window-glass and tinware might be had, and along the street supplementary carts of fruit and vegetables were usually aligned, so that, especially to inexperienced eyes like Martie's, the whole presented a delightfully distracting scene. She accepted the fact that Wallace must come and go as best suited his engagements.

He received a fleeting impression of a woman's startled eyes, staring into his own through a thin mesh of veiling, fell off the running-board, slammed the door, and hurled himself to-wards the next compartment. Here happier fortune attended upon his desire; the box-like section was untenanted, and a notice blown upon the window-glass announced that it was "2nd Class Smoking."

The people of those times certainly did not deny themselves light; and while window-glass was an article of no very remote introduction, it was probably a point of magnificence and wealthy display to have enough of it. One whole side of the room must often have been formed by the window.

By your strange visit to me to-night you have ruined your already damaged character I say you have ruined it, and if anything remains to be said against you, I can say it moreover, I will!" A crash of breaking window-glass followed these words, and before Mr.

"Oh," she murmured, "it is because the world is so dreary outside. Sorrow and bitterness in the sky, and floods of agonized tears beating against the panes. I lay awake last night, and I could hear the scrape of snails creeping up the window-glass; it was so sad! My eyes were so heavy this morning that I could have wept my life away.

Hour after hour she sat motionless beside the car-window, quiet, pale, dark eyes remote; trees, houses, trains, telegraph-poles streamed past in one gray, unending blur; rain which at first had only streaked the grimy window-glass with cinders, became sleet, then snow, clotting the dripping panes.