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And as he rode through the woods, he saw in a valley a fair young damsel sitting by a well-side, and a wounded knight lying in her arms, and King Pellinore saluted her as he passed by. As soon as she perceived him she cried out, "Help, help me, knight, for our Lord's sake!"

"And that's what Norman says," answered the boy; "but I am sure it is not my fault if I do not practise enough; for, of free will, I would do little else, only my father and tutor are angry sometimes, and only Miss Lucy there gives herself airs about my being busy, for all she can sit idle by a well-side the whole day, when she has a handsome young gentleman to prate with.

These orchards, when thus formed close by the well-side, are very luxuriant. People now begin to sow ghaseb, ghafouly, dra, and such grains, which are reaped in the summer season. Barley and wheat are sown in autumn or winter, and reaped in spring.

Mother Holle led her also to the great door; but while she was standing beneath it, instead of the gold a big kettleful of pitch was emptied over her. "That is the reward for your service," said Mother Holle, and shut the door. So the lazy girl went home; but she was quite covered with pitch, and the cock by the well-side, as soon as he saw her, cried out "Cock-a-doodle-doo!

Thereupon the door closed, and the maiden found herself up above upon the earth, not far from her mother's house. And as she went into the yard the cock was standing by the well-side, and cried "Cock-a-doodle-doo! Your golden girl's come back to you!" So she went in to her mother, and as she arrived thus covered with gold, she was well received, both by her and her sister.

Failing to move Amaryllis, the goatherd threatens to die where he has thrown himself down, beneath the trees. Courting Amaryllis with song I go, while my she-goats feed on the hill, and Tityrus herds them. Ah, Tityrus, my dearly beloved, feed thou the goats, and to the well-side lead them, Tityrus, and 'ware the yellow Libyan he-goat, lest he butt thee with his horns.

"For many nights I followed the train. I saw them rest by the well-side among the stunted palms; they thrust the knife into the breast of the camel that had fallen, and roasted its flesh by the fire. My beams cooled the glowing sands, and showed them the black rocks, dead islands in the immense ocean of sand.

'Sylvia, thy mother is axing for thee, and I cannot make her mind easy. In a moment Sylvia had sprung up from her seat, and was running in to soothe and comfort her mother's troubled fancies. Philip sate on by the well-side, his face buried in his two hands.

It seemed indeed natural enough that if Blackbeard was to hide the diamond in a well, it would be in the well of that very castle where he had earned it so evilly. 'When he says the "well north", continued Elzevir, ''tis clear he means to take a compass and mark north by needle, and at eighty feet in the well-side below that point will lie the treasure.

'From Mount Seir to the City of the Friend, what have you seen in the joyful land? 'We found the sons of Hamar by the well-side of Jumda; we found the marks of many camels in the pass of Gharendel, and the marks in the pass of Gharendel were not the marks of the camels of the Beni-Hamar. 'I had a dream, and the children of Tora said to me, "Who art thou in the hands of our father's flocks?