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"Margery, we are orphans; and there is nothing a man needs so much, in the years while he is still unripe and unsure of himself, as a master whom he must revere in fear or in love. And we I Margery, what was my grand-uncle to me?

In time of revolution, life is difficult, ancient loyalties clash with new yet living principles, sympathy and justice even are unsure guides. No country could have been kept for forty years in such a ferment as Ireland has known without profound demoralisation.

The day was hardly born, and still unsure of itself, when a robin with its tail cocked up stood up alertly on the window-sill of Uncle Felix's bedroom, peeped in through the open sash, and noticed the objects in front of it with a certain deliberation. These objects were half in shadow, but, unlike those it was most familiar with, they did not move in the breeze that stirred the world outside.

The wind was roaring in the great elms behind the outhouses. When she came to the second yard the darkness seemed deeper. She was unsure of her footing. She wished she had brought a lantern. Rain blew against her. Half she liked it, half she felt unwilling to battle. She reached at last the just visible door of the stable. There was no sign of a light anywhere.

He ceased and, as Stephen did not reply, remained silent. Then, as if giving utterance to the process of his own thought, he said: Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not. Your mother brings you into the world, carries you first in her body. What do we know about what she feels? But whatever she feels, it, at least, must be real. It must be.

She thanked him carelessly enough for his advice, but when she reached her own room she found herself confronted with a problem that baffled her. How was she to write to Burke? What could she say to him? She felt strangely confounded and unsure of herself. Eight of the allotted ten minutes had flown before she set pencil to paper.

Sigger looked back at Alona and with his dying breath said: "Damn...." The group stood around the corpse, unsure of what to do. "Half the town? Probably the police are in on this too, then. Can't call them," Justin said. "Shouldn't we cover him up?" Betty asked. "I think we need to get into that theater first," Ritchie said. "He said something about taking half the town."

Unsure the ebb and flood of thought, The moon comes back, the spirit not. There is, however, a wholly different and far more positive method of reading the mind, or what in a metaphorical sense is called by that name. This method is to read character.

Before we had recuperated our firewood was almost used up. The situation looked hopeless. It was well along into the Autumn, though we were now unsure of what month we were in, so completely had we lost count of the days. Again Agathemer projected an expedition for the next day, in the faint hope of obtaining us an axe, and I feared he now aimed for our last harborage.

The individual spirit is set free to find its way, in its own manner, to God. Yet it leaves some of us at a loss to know what to do next. Some of us are not yet able to press on. We are unsure of the inward way, and our available resources are not yet adequate to this type of exploration. We need hints from others, suggestions, guides.