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These very statements are unprintable in newspapers and periodicals, because they touch the source of revenue for such productions, which is advertising. You will say that people want these things, or they would not buy. A people that gets what it wants is a stagnant people. We are stuffed and sated with inferior objects.

Feudalism, composed as it was of military ideas and ecclesiastical traditions, exercised the well known "rights of seigniory." These "rights" comprised a jurisdiction which is now unprintable, and had even the power to deprive woman of life itself.

But its chief results were the destruction of entire villages, the flight from their homes in the Congo of hundreds of thousands of natives, and for those that remained misery, death, the most brutal tortures and degradations, unprintable, unthinkable. I am not going to enter into the question of the atrocities.

He had heaved himself to his feet, at last, and was venting his fury in unprintable abuse. Captain Blood, who had also risen, stood apparently impassive, for the storm to spend itself. When at last this happened, he addressed himself quietly to Lord Julian, as if Colonel Bishop had not spoken. "Your lordship was about to say?" he asked, with challenging smoothness.

His epigrams on Reynolds are masterpieces of virulent abuse; the punishment which he devised for Klopstock his impersonation of 'flaccid fluency and devout sentiment' is unprintable; as for those who attempt to enforce moral laws, they shall be 'cast out, for they 'crucify Christ with the head downwards. The contradiction is indeed glaring.

Steve was whispering delighted oaths to himself, and in his joy applying to the Virginian one unprintable name after another. We listened again, but now no further words came. Listening very hard, I could half make out the progress of a heavy breathing, and a restless turning I could clearly detect. This was the wretched drummer. He was waiting. But he did not wait long.

Peire inveighs against the disgraces of particular orders; the Preaching Friars or Jacobin monks who discuss the relative merits of special wines after their feasts, whose lives are spent in disputes and who declare all who differ from them to be Vaudois heretics, who worm men's private affairs out of them, that they may make themselves feared: some of his charges against the monastic orders are quite unprintable.

They think they can stop at home and criticise, and then when we have done the work, share the benefits. Great God!" and here the sergeant indulged in some unprintable language "I would like to get hold of them." "Isn't it dangerous here?" asked Tom, as another shrieking shell passed over their heads. "Not just now," replied the other; "their shells are falling on the other side of the town.

In such cases all the guard did was to unlock the door and walk away so as not to be a witness of what happened when half a dozen hall-men went inside and did a bit of man-handling. As regards the details of this man-handling I shall say nothing. And after all, man-handling was merely one of the very minor unprintable horrors of the Erie County Pen.

On a sudden he stopped, straightened his back, and remonstrated with the Colonel in unprintable terms, for putting off the halt later than ever they had yet, "after such a day." "Can't make fire with green cotton-wood," was the Colonel's rejoiner. "Then let's stop and rest, anyhow." "Nuh! We know where that would land us.