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On a sudden he stopped, straightened his back, and remonstrated with the Colonel in unprintable terms, for putting off the halt later than ever they had yet, "after such a day." "Can't make fire with green cotton-wood," was the Colonel's rejoiner. "Then let's stop and rest, anyhow." "Nuh! We know where that would land us.

"H-mm!" ejaculated Yorke, "seems to me I've got a hazy recollection of meeting up with that fellow before somewhere. In a hotel in High River, I think it was. Beggar was yarning about Cuba, I remember." "Bet it was hazy all right," was Redmond's sarcastic rejoiner, "like most of your bar-room recollections, Yorkey." He gave vent to a snorting chuckle. "That 'D'you know?

A stormy threat by a sneering, drunken officer to turn his Canadian artillery on the bloomin' Yanks could be met by a cold-as-steel rejoiner that the British officer would please realize his drunken condition, and take back the sneering threat and come across with a reasonable order or suffer the immediate consequences. And then usually the two could cooperate. Such is a partnership war incident.

'I'm not going to tell stories, she said stoutly. 'No, said Lance, equally scandalised; 'I thought you had learnt better, Fernando. Robina, be it observed, was ignorant of Fernando's untaught state. 'I only said you could hold your tongue, was of course Fernando's rejoiner. 'That's just as bad, was the little girl's response. 'But, Lance, you held your tongue about your black eye.

Helen looked at her with some appreciation of her chum's despair; yet she could not appreciate the situation in full. Suddenly the lighter-minded Helen leaped to her feet from the bank on which she was sitting, and exclaimed: "My goodness, Ruth! do you realize that we are marooned?" "Marooned?" was the wondering rejoiner. "Yes.