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A second, less distinct voice made some remark, and the first speaker answered with a little laugh: "Yes dead keen, wasn't he, poor beggar; but he wasn't rich enough for her. A woman like that makes diamonds trumps every time, and not hearts, you know eh?

I ask you, of what do you suppose his hand consists? Down goes my no trump on the table a good, a very good no trump. He has in his hand the ace, king, queen and five diamonds, the king of clubs guarded, the ace and two little hearts, and he takes me out into diamonds from no trumps with a score at love all. Two pences they had persuaded me to play, too, and it was the rubber game.

Every member of Parliament will be a colonel. We needn't drill or anything; but there's nothing to prevent our saying that we have 200,000 trained men. The Ulster fellows have gone no trumps on their 100,000 " "I should be inclined to say gone No Home Rule." Gorman grinned. "Gone no something," he said, "and we double them. I expect that will set English opinion swinging round again."

He trumps up an engagement to dance with a beautiful lady, and because she can't remember, binds her to an oath for a dance to come, and then, holding her prisoner to 'm, he sulks, the dirty dogcat goes and sulks, and he won't dance and won't do anything but screech up in corners that he's jilted. He said the word. Dozens of gentlemen heard the word.

Just where it all would have ended it is difficult to say had not the automobile itself taken a hand in the game as automobiles will sometimes and played trumps. It was the first day of the county fair again, and Phineas and Diantha were on their way home. Straight ahead the road ran between clumps of green, then unwound in a white ribbon of dust across wide fields and open meadows.

Now and then those who were not playing ventured a subdued murmur of talk amongst themselves, but for the most part the silence of the room was only broken by voices declaring trumps in a rapidly ascending scale of values, and then, after a hectic interval, by the same voices calling out the score in varying degrees of satisfaction or otherwise.

He had sense enough then to know that the game was up, and to lie still while I lashed him with the very cords which had been round my own limbs. 'There has been a fresh deal, my fine fellow, said I, 'and you will find that I have some of the trumps in my hand this time. 'Luck always comes to the aid of a fool, he answered.

I am lavish with trumps. I delight to lead them first hand round, but I have not the courage of my convictions, for I always feel little quivers of fear when I do it, because when my trumps and aces are gone, then I'm gone too. I have no skill in finesse, in the subtlety, the delicate moves which are the inherent qualities of a game of whist. To tell the brutal truth, I play my own hand.

Her father never had been very scrupulous where money was concerned, and the pinch of want was not likely to make him more so. Nor, we may be sure, did all this escape the jealous eye of Elizabeth. Things looked black for her, but she did not intend to throw up the cards on that account. Only it was time to lead trumps.

The young man emptied the basket on the floor and went over its contents carefully. He found three communications from the unknown writer. Each of them was printed by hand on a sheet of cheap lined paper torn from a scratch pad. He smoothed them out and put them side by side on the table. This was what he read: HEARTS ARE TRUMPS WHEN IN DOUBT PLAY TRUMPS PLAY TRUMPS NOW