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An' her hair was as long as the tail av the Colonel's charger forgive me mentionin' that blunderin' baste in the same mouthful with Annie Bragin but 'twas all shpun gold, an' time was when ut was more than di'monds to me. There was niver pretty woman yet, an' I've had thruck wid a few, cud open the door to Annie Bragin.

Wanst, bein' a fool, I wint into the married lines more for the sake av spakin' to our ould color-sergint Shadd than for any thruck wid womenfolk. I was a corp'ril then rejuced aftherward, but a corp'ril then. I've got a photograft av mesilf to prove ut. 'You'll take a cup av tay wid us? sez Shadd. 'I will that, I sez, 'tho' tay is not my divarsion.

Jungi will drive the carr'ge afther all's over, an' you come to the station, cool an' aisy, in time for the two o'clock thrain, where I'll be wid your kit." "Faith," thinks I to myself, "thin there's a ayah in the business tu!" 'A powerful bad thing is a ayah. Don't you niver have any thruck wid wan.

Jungi will drive the carri'ge afther all's over, an' you come to the station, cool an' aisy, in time for the two o'clock thrain, where I'll be wid your kit. 'Faith, thinks I to myself, 'thin there's a ayah in the business tu! "A powerful bad thing is a ayah. Don't you niver have any thruck wid wan.

I'll chuck ye in yer waut fer the concrete till ye choke, ye flat-footed, leather-headed lunatic! I'll tache ye to waalk aaf an' l'ave the hole open, an' me in it. Now, be Jasus, get yer coat an' get out av this. Get I'm tellin' ye! I'll have no more thruck with ye! I'll throuble no more with ye. Ye're no damned good. Out with ye! An' niver show me yer face again!"

The little man puts his thruck into the hekka an' scuttles in like a fat guinea-pig; niver offerin' us the price av a dhrink for our services in helpin' him home, 'He's off to the Padsahi jhil, sez I to the others." Ortheris took up the tale

He's a minyit-man, a r-ready pote that sleeps like th' dhriver iv thruck 9, with his poetic pants in his boots beside his bed, an' him r-ready to jump out an' slide down th' pole th' minyit th' alarm sounds. "He's not such a pote as Tim Scanlan, that hasn't done annything since th' siege iv Lim'rick; an' that was two hundherd year befure he was bor-rn.

Ortheris did 'fetch ut out, from under the trunk of an elephant, in the shape of a servant and an animal both laden with medical comforts. The little man's eyes sparkled. 'If the brutil an' licentious soldiery av these parts gets sight av the thruck, said Mulvaney, making practised investigations, 'they'll loot ev'rything.

Prisintly, he sthrols up, his arrums full av thruck, an' he sez in a consiquinshal way, shticking out his little belly, 'Me good men, sez he, 'have ye seen the Kernel's b'roosh? 'B'roosh? says Learoyd. 'There's no b'roosh here nobbut a hekka. 'Fwhat's that? sez Thrigg. Learoyd shows him wan down the sthreet, an' he sez, 'How thruly Orientil!

An' her hair was as long as the tail av the Colonel's charger forgive me mentionin' that blunderin' baste in the same mouthful with Annie Bragin but'twas all shpun gold, an' time was when a lock av ut was more than di'monds to me. There was niver pretty woman yet, an' I've had thruck wid a few, cud open the door to Annie Bragin.