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The groan became a shriek, first of terror, then of hope, after that of anxiety, as Dan came dancing towards him like a Jack-o'-lantern. "Fat is she shriekin' at?" said Dan. "Oh! I'm so glad I'm so-o-ow-hoo!" Poor Peter seized Dan round the legs, for, being on his knees, he could not reach higher, and embraced him. "Fat's got the maister?" Peter could not tell. "Can she waalk?"

I'll chuck ye in yer waut fer the concrete till ye choke, ye flat-footed, leather-headed lunatic! I'll tache ye to waalk aaf an' l'ave the hole open, an' me in it. Now, be Jasus, get yer coat an' get out av this. Get I'm tellin' ye! I'll have no more thruck with ye! I'll throuble no more with ye. Ye're no damned good. Out with ye! An' niver show me yer face again!"

If ye was in their place ye'd do the same. There's no sinse in allowin' another man to waalk on ye whin ye can get another job. I don't blame thim. I was a mason wanst meself." "You don't mean to say that you acted as you say these men are going to act?" "Shewer!" "Well, I shouldn't think you'd be very proud of it." "I have me rights," he declared, flaring up.

"Thinkin' 'bout it," replied the smith, with a good-humoured smile. "Why, if I didn't knaw that the old wuman's alive," said another, "I'd say he was agoin' to get married again!" "Never fear," exclaimed a third, "Maggot's far too 'cute a cunger to be caught twice." "I say, my dear man," asked another, "have 'ee bin takin' a waalk 'pon the clifts lately?"

As Ian Anderson and Donald with the ragged head had to return home that day, they were offered a lift by their friend Roderick. "I wad raither waalk, Rodereek," said Ian; "but I dar' say I may as weel tak a lift as far as the Cluff; chump up, Tonal'." Donald was not slow to obey. Although active and vigorous as a mountain goat, he had no objection to repose under agreeable conditions.