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He indignantly stopped short in the midst of Rosewal and Lilian, and, replacing his three-stringed fiddle, or rebeck, in its leathern case, followed the crowd, with no good-will, to the exhibition which had superseded his own.

And there, as now, a scarlet-buttoned cap on his head, his black eyes soft with dreaming, his richly wrought sandals tapping the floor in time, his long queue a smooth, shining serpent in thick coils about his tawny neck, Fong Wu thrummed gently upon the three-stringed banjo, and, in peace, chanted into the twilight. Flying hoofs scattered the gravel on the strip of road before Fong Wu's.

'Never knew you confess to it, said Chillon, as he swallowed the name on her lips. 'Walking was flying over there, brother. 'Say once or twice in Wales, too, Mr. Wythan begged of her. 'Wales reminded. Yes,.. Owain, I shall not forget Wales, Welsh people. Mr. Woodseer says they have the three-stringed harp in their breasts, and one string is always humming, whether you pull it or no.

They are great astrologers, predicting the different changes of weather almost as accurately as an almanac; they are moreover exquisite performers on three-stringed fiddles; in whistling they almost boast the far-famed powers of Orpheus's lyre, for not a horse or an ox in the place, when at the plough or before the wagon, will budge a foot until he hears the well-known whistle of his black driver and companion.

They are great astrologers, predicting the different changes of weather almost as accurately as an almanac; they are, moreover, exquisite performers on three-stringed fiddles; in whistling they almost boast the far-famed powers of Orpheus' lyre, for not a horse nor an ox in the place, when at the plough or before the wagon, will budge a foot until he hears the well known whistle of his black driver and companion.

No matter at what hour of the day we passed through that square, there was always the same spellbound circle of half-clad Turks and Arabs squatting silent whileWagnertinkled to them on a three-stringed lute and chanted in a high-pitched, dismal whinelike the squeaking of an unfastened door in the wind.

'Never knew you confess to it, said Chillon, as he swallowed the name on her lips. 'Walking was flying over there, brother. 'Say once or twice in Wales, too, Mr. Wythan begged of her. 'Wales reminded. Yes, ..Owain, I shall not forget Wales, Welsh people. Mr. Woodseer says they have the three-stringed harp in their breasts, and one string is always humming, whether you pull it or no.

It presents first on the left a king who plays a three-stringed gamba, which he holds between his knees, like a violoncello. Then comes a man with a pandean pipe, next another with a semicircular harp and then one with a portable organ. Next to him is a harper, using a plectrum, and at the right end of the group is a pair of players, man and woman, performing on a glockenspiel.

These are druids of eld, if you will, harpers hoar, plucking wild symphonies from the tense wires of the storm wind's three-stringed harp. Yet the dryad dwells within them as well, and on gentler days they show her in many phases of queenly womanhood.

Finally, when darkness falls, they proceed to hold what we should call a ball in the guest-chamber. A poor, old greybeard strums on a three-stringed instrument I forget what they call it, but anyhow, it is something in the nature of our balalaika. The girls and young children set themselves in two ranks, one opposite the other, and clap their hands and sing.