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Updated: August 14, 2024

Thou tellest me, O Sanjaya, if the disappearance of that Bhishma, that tiger among men, who was our refuge and relying upon whom the Kurus were fighting with their foes, that warrior of mighty strength relying on whose energy my son had never reckoned the Pandavas, alas, how hath he been slain by the enemy?

Quoth Roger, "If thou wilt become their man and enter into their host, there is none; for they will ask few questions of so good a man-at-arms, when they know that thou art theirs; but if thou naysay that, it may well be that they will be for turning the key on thee till thou tellest them what and whence thou art."

"Well, I will hear thee too," said the sultan; "but do not flatter thyself that I will suffer thee to live, unless thou tellest me some adventure that is yet more diverting than that of my hump-backed jester." Upon this the tailor, as if he had been sure of success, spoke boldly to the following purpose. The Story told by the Tailor.

I have chosen these Chinese because thou tellest me that their numbers are uncountable, that they are brave, subtle, and patient, and though now powerless because ill-ruled and untaught, able with their multitudes to flood the little western nations.

"Well, I will hear thee too," said the sultan; "but do not flatter thyself that I will suffer thee to live, unless thou tellest me some adventure that is yet more diverting than that of my hump-backed jester." Upon this the tailor, as if he had been sure of success, spoke boldly to the following purpose. The Story told by the Tailor.

If Peace is thy prompter, and Love is thy guide, And white-robed Charity walks by thy side, If thou tellest the truth without oath to bind, Doing thy duty to all mankind, Raising the lowly, cheering the sad, Finding some goodness e'en in the bad, And owning with sadness if badness there be, There might have been badness in thine and in thee, If Conscience the warder that keeps thee whole Had uttered no voice to thy slumbering soul, All God's angels will say, "Well done!"

"Well, well," said the friar, "thou tellest me thou hast been a merchant; hast thou ever cheated any, as merchants use to do?"

How can that gold be pure which has not known the fire?" "Thou tellest me nothing," wailed Tua, "and it is not for myself I ask. I am fair, I am Amen's daughter, and splendid is my heritage.

Then Hyllus made answer, "My father, suffer me to speak, for I have that to tell thee of my mother which thou shouldest hear." "Speak on; but beware that thou show not thyself vile, excusing her." "She is dead." "Who slew her? This is a strange thing thou tellest." "She slew herself with her own hand." "'Tis ill done. Would that I had slain her myself!"

Indeed, briefly speaking, they that are possessed of great ascetic merit and are of exalted character say that he is always correct in his conduct and that honour is firmly seated on his brow." Hearing this, Aswapati said, "O reverend sage, thou tellest me that he is possessed of every virtue! Do thou now tell me his defects if, indeed, he hath any!"

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