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Updated: August 12, 2024

She would interpret it that I was in the neighborhood, anxious and waiting: she would understand. "Home, then, Hiram," as I took my seat beside him. "We'll wait till Sunday." "You'd better eat sum'thin'," said Hiram over the breakfast-table on Sunday morning. "Got a good long drive afore you, and mebbe a good day's work besides. No?

'Arsk me sum'thin' easier, carn't you? I don't know nothin' about the cove, I don't; he comes 'ere two, three weeks ago, and leaves owin' me money. Where he comes from, or who he is, or what he's bin doin' to get shot I know no more nor you do. All I does know, finished Mosk, emphatically, 'is as I've lost two bloomin' quid, an' that's a lot to a poor man like me.

She would interpret it that I was in the neighborhood, anxious and waiting: she would understand. "Home, then, Hiram," as I took my seat beside him. "We'll wait till Sunday." "You'd better eat sum'thin'," said Hiram over the breakfast-table on Sunday morning. "Got a good long drive afore you, and mebbe a good day's work besides. No?

Mos' all de niggers down dis way has bin tol' 'bout him som'how dey has, sah." "So I thought. Well, do you know where he can be found?" "Not perzackly, sah. Ah ain't never onct bin thar, but Ah sorter seems fer ter recollec' sum'thin' 'bout whar he mought be. Ah reckon maybe Ah cud go thar, if Ah just hed to.

The pan had seen better days and worse ones, too, for one side of its rim was gone, and the bottom had been cleverly turned up to form a new one, making it semi-circular with a straight side. "Prospectin'?" my host ventured, eying me dreamily. "No, lookin'," I told him. "Humph." Then, "Hope you find it." But his curiosity ended there. "Say, if you're wantin' ter see sum'thin' good, looka that."

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