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Fate has unfortunately denied him an opportunity of showing his talents in high command, but I have a firm persuasion that as a strategist he would have greatly distinguished himself. As a leader on the field of battle, on the other hand, he would not have been so much in his right place, from a manque d'habitude du commandement, he wanted the art d'enlever les troupes."

To the south is a group of governments over whom the sheer operation of natural forces is already establishing a sort of American oversight and suzerainty. Mark, now, our harbors. Behold how cunningly the Master Strategist has placed along our coasts great ports from which communication with the ends of earth naturally radiates.

As a strategist he was superb, the best of his time. What his eye took in his mind snapped up like a steel gin. And his eye was the true soldier's eye, comprehending by signs, investing with life what was tongueless else.

Indeed, he more resembled a successful conqueror making a triumphal entry into his capital than a foiled strategist defeated in the very moment of victory!

I have counted every move, and can remember each one. That piece has only just become added to the board. Put it back in its place, I say." "Its place? Which IS its place?" But Nozdrev had reddened a good deal. "I perceive you to be a strategist at the game." "No, no, good friend. YOU are the strategist though an unsuccessful one, as it happens." "Then of what are you supposing me capable?

But Moltke was not only in a frame for tobacco but Bismarck watched with what deliberate coolness the great strategist inspected and smelt at cigar after cigar before making his final selection; and he dared to infer that the man who best understood the situation was in no perturbation as to the ultimate outcome.

I next beg to pull from his place on the shelf, and to present to the reader, my friend General Xenophon, a most graceful writer, a capital huntsman, an able strategist, an experienced farmer, and, if we may believe Laertius, "handsome beyond expression."

Disaster and defeat on a great scale are as certain to come as the sun to rise to-morrow morning unless the Government arranges to take the military view of war into its midst. There will have to be a strategist in the Cabinet if the British Empire is to be maintained. This is another unpopular view and is hateful to all politicians, who declare that it is unconstitutional.

Men of war said that she spoke like a soldier and a strategist; they listened to her in amaze, and wondered what the great La Hire would say when he should arrive, to find that a country maiden had been set over his head. In other matters, too, the Maid knew her mind, and spoke it with calm decision.

"So you had a hand in this, Davy. I might have guessed as much." "Who the devil is this?" says Mr. Colfax. "A sort of ward of mine," answers the Colonel. "Drummer boy, financier, strategist, in my Illinois campaign. Allow me to present to you, Major, Mr. David Ritchie. When my men objected to marching through ice-skimmed water up to their necks, Mr. Ritchie showed them how."