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Supper was a very simple meal, a stand-up affair, consisting in winter of hot bread-and-milk, in summer of cold milk and biscuits. The Lady Leucha thought her supper a very poor affair, but she was too cold, after her vain attempts to light the fire in the Summer Parlour, to resist the steaming-hot, delicious milk. She took it standing up not far from Hollyhock.

"Nevertheless, you can't," persisted the philosopher; "how could two men fight on a raft where there's not room for a fair stand-up scrimmage between two rats? Come now, don't argue, Burr, but answer little Wilkins's question if you can." "Stowaways don't desarve to have their questions answered," said Corkey; "in fact, they don't desarve to live.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind looking into the hold, to find something to suit your judgment quality combined with low figures there while I go into the infected den, as the cleverest of my chaps calls it. Why, it makes me laugh! I've been in and out, with this stand-up coat on, fifty times, and you can't smell a flue of it, though wonderful strong down there."

It was a stand-up fight between the French and the British regulars, who settled it between themselves alone. About five o'clock the two left columns of the British joined forces to make a supreme effort. They were led by the Highlanders, who charged with the utmost fury, while the two right columns made an equally brave attack elsewhere. The front ranks were shot down as before.

Soon after the official came, and my dog began by mauling his canine guardian, tearing away half his ear; and in the middle of the night one of my horses got loose and had a stand-up fight with a mule attached to the official party, laming him seriously; and as the foreigner emerged in his night attire to prevent further damage, he encountered the mandarin himself, and pinned him dead against the wall in the dark, after having stepped on his corn.

He never wanted to "take it out" with one of them, for an insult, in a stand-up fight, and he instinctively softened a boy's natural rudeness when he was with them.

Mallathorpe, he always used a stand-up desk to write at never wrote sitting down, though he had a big desk in the middle of the room that he used to sit at to look over accounts or talk to people. Now when I went in, he and Gaukrodger and Marshall were all at this stand-up desk in the window-place and they were signing some papers.

They carried no shield; perhaps because the excessive length of the spear required the constant employment of both hands yet they did not shrink from meeting the Greeks occasionally in regular, stand-up fight. As they had carried off all their provisions into hill-forts, the Greeks could obtain no supplies, but lived all the time upon the cattle which they had acquired from the Taochi.

The nearest approach to it was when Hawke destroyed the French fleet in Quiberon Bay. But this was hardly a stand-up fight. The French fleet was running away, and Hawke's achievement was that, in spite of the difficulties of weather on an extremely dangerous coast, he was able to consummate its destruction. The real decision was the work of Nelson, and its principal cause was Nelson himself.

If the case were delayed, and I still had nothing to present against the strong circumstantial evidence of the prosecution if, in other words, delay should still leave us in our present position would there be any chance for me to escape by a fair, stand-up trial?" "Well, you see, Mr. Charlton, this is precisely a case in which we will not accept a pitched battle, if we can help it.