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For it is said that Xerxes, on surveying his immense army, wept at the reflection that so many thousand lives would in such a short space of time be extinct. "Happy rivalry" when two friends strive in this way which of them shall animate the other most in their mutual pursuit of immortal fame. Farewell. To SPURINNA AND COTTIA53

Caesar passed Spurinna on his way to the senate-house the soothsayer who had predicted some great danger connected with the Ides of March. As soon as he recognized him, he accosted him with the words, "Well, Spurinna, the Ides of March have come, and I am safe." "Yes," replied Spurinna, "they have come, but they are not yet over."

In young men, indeed, a little confusion and disarrangement is all well enough: but in age, when business is unseasonable, and ambition indecent, all should be composed and uniform. This rule Spurinna observes with the most religious consistency. Even in those matters which one might call insignificant, were they not of every-day occurrence, he observes a certain periodical season and method.

The Etruscan confederations appear to have been from the first still more than the other Italian leagues formed on a similar basis of national affinity deficient in a firm and paramount central authority. 1. -Ras-ennac-, with the gentile termination mentioned below. To this period belong e. g. inscriptions on the clay vases of Such as Maecenas, Porsena, Vivenna, Caecina, Spurinna.

For Spurinna restored by force of arms the king of the Bructeri to his kingdom, and, after threatening war, subdued that savage race by the terror of his name, which is the noblest kind of victory. That was the reward of his valour, and the fact that his son Cottius, whom he lost while he was away on his duties, was deemed worthy of being honoured with a statue has solaced his grief for his loss.

VERGINIUS RUFUS wrote erotic poems, and an epigram of his is quoted by Pliny. VESTRICIUS SPURINNA was a lyricist, and had been consul under Domitian; a fine account of him is given by Pliny. The only Roman poetess of whom we possess any fragment, belongs to this epoch, the highborn lady SULPICIA. She is celebrated by Martial for her chaste love- elegies, and for fidelity to her husband Calenus.

The Etruscan confederations appear to have been from the first still more than the other Italian leagues formed on a similar basis of national affinity deficient in a firm and paramount central authority. 1. -Ras-ennac-, with the gentile termination mentioned below. To this period belong e. g. inscriptions on the clay vases of Such as Maecenas, Porsena, Vivenna, Caecina, Spurinna.

Time will render him more open to the dictates of reason: for as a fresh wound shrinks back from the hand of the surgeon, but by degrees submits to, and even seeks of its own accord the means of its cure, so a mind under the first impression of a misfortune shuns and rejects all consolations, but at length desires and is lulled by their gentle application. Farewell. To SPURINNA

He passes his time with Spurinna and Antoninus; he is related to the one, and shares the same house with the other. You may guess from this that he is a youth of finished parts, when he is thus loved by men of their years and worth. For the old adage is wonderfully true, "You may tell a man by the company he keeps." Farewell.

That is the principle upon which Spurinna acts most religiously; even trifles, or what would be trifles were they not of daily occurrence, he goes through in fixed order and, as it were, orbit. In the morning he keeps his couch; at the second hour he calls for his shoes and walks three miles, exercising mind as well as body.