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Updated: August 21, 2024

Doan't, if you love me, as I knaws well you do, turn your back 'pon the scant work as falls in best o' times." The man reflected with troubled eyes, and his mother took his arm and tried to pull him down the hill. "Is John Grimbal at home?" he asked. "How shude I knaw? An' what matter if he is? Your business is with the bees, not him. An' you've got no quarrel with him because that Blanchard have.

Here the streets, even the better ones, are narrow and winding, as Todd Street, Long Millgate, Withy Grove, and Shude Hill, the houses dirty, old, and tumble-down, and the construction of the side streets utterly horrible.

She putts 'er 'and over 'er 'eart: 'It 'urts me, she says; 'but 'twill sune be better, she says. 'But if anything shude 'appen to me, Jim, I wants to be burried under this 'ere apple tree. I laughed.

But he knows he was born in the reign of George the Third, because his mother told him so; and he remembers his father coming in with news of the Battle of Waterloo, So I think he must be about ninety." "Lard, mar like a hunderd year old, I be," said Happy Jack, offended. "And luke how I du wark yit. Yif I'd 'a give up my wark, I shude 'a bin in the churchyard along o' the idlers, that 'a shude."

'Yu bain't been lukin' round zo careful as 'ee shude; there be a bit o' magnolia as want nailding oop, my gude man. 'Oh, be there, mum? zays I. 'Yiss, there be; an' thart I'd carl yure attention tu it, zess she, are zum zuch. 'Thanky, mum, I'm zure, zezz I." "I knows how her goes on," groaned James Coachman. "Mother toime 'tis zummat else," said the aggrieved gardener.

I went to the kitchen, where Hopgood was sitting at the table, eating bread and cheese. He got up on seeing me, and very kindly brought me some cold bacon and a pint of ale. "I thart I shude be seeing yu, zurr," he said between his bites; "Therr's no thart to 'atin' 'bout the 'ouse to-day. The old wumman's puzzivantin' over Miss Pasiance.

If we leave the Irk and penetrate once more on the opposite side from Long Millgate into the midst of the working-men's dwellings, we shall come into a somewhat newer quarter, which stretches from St. Michael's Church to Withy Grove and Shude Hill. Here there is somewhat better order.

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