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But despite setbacks he kept faith in them as good food-producing adjuncts of a farm, thus anticipating the U.S. Department of Agriculture's modern food-fish pond-development program by more than a century. As is likely to be the case with experimenters, Jefferson's efforts at fish propagation do not appear to have been overwhelmingly successful.

In spite of any setbacks Russia will hold out, and with the help of her Allies will ultimately drive every Nazi from her soil. The Pacific Ocean Area. This area must be grouped together as a whole every part of it, land and sea. We have stopped one major Japanese offensive; and we have inflicted heavy losses on their fleet.

Here's Willett, who doesn't begin to deserve it, getting everything that is good, and Harris, who deserves all the good that the army affords, gets all the hard knocks and setbacks.

Naturally, there were obstacles and setbacks, but she is not of the stuff that ten times the number could discourage. Then came the third stage. She wrote a novel. It was refused by many publishers in New York, but finally accepted as a serial in the first magazine that had rejected it. This was The Heart of the Desert.

Our boys will be home by Christmas now. Hurrah!" Susan was ashamed of herself for hurrahing the minute she had done it, and apologized meekly for such an outburst of juvenility. "But indeed, Mrs. Dr. dear, this good news has gone to my head after this awful summer of Russian slumps and Gallipoli setbacks." "Good news!" said Miss Oliver bitterly.

Slowly and patiently he urged the frightened pony toward the automobile until, after many setbacks and panics, he had brought him near enough for conversation. "There now, Peanuts!" he said to the prancing animal. "You see you were quite mistaken." Then, to Hillyer and Marion: "He's a little like myself. He doesn't really believe in ghosts, but he's dreadfully afraid of them."

In Europe, we shall resume the attack and despite temporary setbacks here or there we shall continue the attack relentlessly until Germany is completely defeated. It is appropriate at this time to review the basic strategy which has guided us through three years of war, and which will lead, eventually, to total victory.

There will be further setbacks before the tide is turned. But turn it we must. The hopes of all mankind rest upon us not simply upon those of us in this chamber, but upon the peasant in Laos, the fisherman in Nigeria, the exile from Cuba, the spirit that moves every man and Nation who shares our hopes for freedom and the future.

There were two setbacks before the work was completed. In one case, after the frames had been made and carried with prodigious toil to the other side of the mountain, they were discovered to be full of worms and had to be thrown away. After they had been replaced, and while the men were building the brigantines, a flood washed every vestige of their labor into the river.

They were somewhat irritated by their setbacks, but their behavior was owing still more to the fact that they would no longer endure any hard work if they could help it, but were thoroughly out of training in every respect and wanted to have no emperor that ruled with a firm hand but demanded that they get everything without stint, and chose to perform no task that was fitting for them.