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In 1873 he joined the staff of the St. Nicholas Magazine. His publication of the Rudder Grange series in Scribner's Monthly in 1878 made him famous. In 1882 he resigned all editorial work and spent his entire time in literary composition. Mr. Stockton possessed a frail body and very little physical endurance. In spite of this physical handicap he was very vivacious and gay.

This story is used by permission of and special arrangement with Charles Scribner's Sons, publishers. Frank Richard Stockton, one of America's foremost story-tellers and humorists, was born in Philadelphia in 1834. His father was a Presbyterian minister who devoutly wished that his son might study medicine.

"I use my earliest opportunity to jot down a note for our better remembrance of the main points of the arrangement for 'Scribner's Magazine, by assenting to which you gave me such pleasure in Paris. "I sail on Saturday, and assure you I shall carry home no pleasanter recollection than that of the two days which you made very enjoyable for me at Paris and Boulogne."

As agent for "Scribner's" I had to secure contributions from English authors, not so easy then as now. Amongst other items I was instructed to secure a story from a certain author, and I contracted with her for the proof sheets of her next novel, about to be published in England in the Magazine, the price to be paid for the advance proofs being £500, if I remember rightly.

Hamerton, and of proposing to him to write a series of twelve articles on modern representative painters for "Scribner's Magazine." The proposal was flattering in itself, but the pleasure it gave was singularly enhanced by the visitor's friendly courtesy and cultured appreciation. After two meetings only, Mr.

Stories by Foreign Authors, 10 vols., Charles Scribner's Sons. World's Greatest Short-Stories, Sherwin Cody, A.C. McClurg & Co. The American Short-Story, Elias Lieberman. The man whose story is here to be told was the wealthiest and most influential person in his parish; his name was Thord Överaas. He appeared in the priest's study one day, tall and earnest.

"We asked each other who the original of the picture was," he said. "We did not know. The face lies there. Look!" For that which life had denied her, Death had given. Scribner's Monthly, August, 1878. Everybody in college who knew them at all was curious to see what would come of a friendship between two persons so opposite in tastes, habitudes and appearance as John Silverthorn and Bill Vibbard.

It was an exceptional opportunity. He worked early and late. An increase in his salary soon told him that he was satisfying his employers, and then, when the new Scribner's Magazine appeared, and a little later Mr.

Perhaps it was just as well in the end, for my health was being undermined by too great and conflicting demands on my energy. In 1878, at Dr. Holland's request, I wrote a series of papers on small fruits for "Scribner's Magazine" papers that were expanded into a book entitled "Success with Small Fruits."

When the news reached Richard that the Spanish-American War seemed inevitable he returned at once to New York. Here he spent a few days in arranging to act as correspondent for the New York Herald, the London Times, and Scribner's Magazine, and then started for Key West. Off Key West April 24th, 1898. On Board Smith, Herald Yacht.