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SCELUS: this word looks chiefly to the criminal intention, whether it be carried into action or not, malum, facinus to the completed crime; flagitium is sin rather than crime, Facinus in sense is often rather narrower and lighter than scelus; cf. Verr. 5, 170 facinus est vincire civem Romanum, scelus verberare, prope parricidium necare.

Guen. includes both ideas: quocunque, non tantum venereo, corporis abusu contempti. Insuper==superne. So 16: multo insuper fimo onerant. Diversitas is a post-Augustan word, cf. Freund, sub v. Illuc respicit. Has respect to this principle. Scelera==crimes; flagitia==vices, low and base actions. Scelus poena, flagitium contemptu dignum. Guen. Levioribus delictis.

After exchanging many kind adieus, Rodolph and the missionary, near the close of twilight, started for the Castle of Stramen. ...Simonis leprosam Execrate hæresim, Sacerdotum simul atque Scelus adulterii, Laicorum dominatus Cedat ab ecclesiis.

Will we remove from them all occasion of wishing our death though no occasion of so horrid a wish can either be just or excusable? "Nullum scelus rationem habet." Let us reasonably accommodate their lives with what is in our power.

An example of the turn of words, amongst a thousand others, is that in the last book of Ovid's "Metamorphoses": "Heu! quantum scelus est, in viscera, viscera condi! Congestoque avidum pinguescere corpore corpus; Alteriusque animantem animantis vivere leto." An example on the turn both of thoughts and words is to be found in Catullus in the complaint of Ariadne when she was left by Theseus:

'Aliae panduntur inanes, Suspensae ad ventous, aliis sub gurgite vasto Infectum eluitur scelus, aut exuritur igni. But peradventure, you think Pope Gregory I lived before Virgil, and Virgil versified him. "But the doctrine is Eastern, and as much older than Plato as Plato than Gregory. Our prayers for the dead came from Asia with Aeneas.

Mortui sunt Hercule Mundo cucullati, quod inors tense sunt onus, Ad rem utiles nullam, nisi ad scelus et vitium." Amongst the works published and written by Dolet may be mentioned: Summaire des faits et gestes de Francois I., tant contre l'Empereur que ses sujets, et autres nations etrangeres, composes d'abord en latin par Dolet, puis translates en francais par lui-meme.

Nonne ego, cum lasso per Belgia stagna caballo Agmina liligeri fugeres victricia Galli, Ipse mei impositum dorso salientis equi te Hostibus eripui, salvumque in castra reduxi? Hæcne mihi meriti persolvis præmia tanti? Proh scelus! O Soceri rapti nequissime sceptri!"

Bold in the first onset, they cannot bear a repulse, being easily thrown into confusion as soon as they turn their backs; and they trust to flight for safety, without attempting to rally, which the poet thought reprehensible in martial conflicts: "Ignavum scelus est tantum fuga;" and elsewhere "In vitium culpae ducit fuga, si caret arte."

So the conspiracy was to be a facinus and a scelus, and the hero, of course, another 'exalted criminal' in the style of Karl Moor. Furthermore, without any radical revision of the preceding portraiture taken as a whole, a non-tragical conclusion has been substituted for the final catastrophe.