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Updated: August 19, 2024

"That will be right which accords with your feelings, and certainly you can tell me now what they are whether you find me the least bit lovable or not." The gray eyes flashed a look up into the dark eyes, half of mirth and half of real inquiry. "I think one might learn to endure you, Mr. Rumway," she answered, demurely.

She endeavored to forget them, but she could not, though her resolve to ignore them was as strong as it ever had been when her burdens had seemed lighter! But in spite of her resolve, and in spite of the fact that it could not be said that any encouragement had been given to repeat his addresses, Rumway continued to work at his house and grounds steadily, and, to all appearance, hopefully.

Contrary to his command, Mrs. Smiley did endeavor to forget these words in the weeks following, when the old mountain-man came no more to her rose-embowered cottage, and when Captain Rumway invented many ingenious schemes for getting the pale school-teacher to take more recreation and fresh air.

Smiley started a little as she caught the expression of his face, thinking it did not comport with the holiday appearance of his habiliments, and hastened at once to obey its silent appeal. Rumway walked beside her to the gate. "Have you no answer for me?" he asked, hurriedly.

In the shadow of the rose-vines, and the gathering twilight, it would have been impossible to discern, by any change of feature, what his meditations might be now. "The moon is full to-night," said Mrs. Smiley, bringing out her low rocker and placing it near her friend. "It will be glorious on the river, and all the 'young folks' will be out, I suppose." "Did not Rumway ask you to go?

"But" changing her manner "I can not tell you whether or not I can marry you, until until well," she concluded desperately "it may be a day, or a week, or a month. There is something to be decided, and until it is decided, I can not give an answer." Captain Rumway looked very rebellious. "I do not ask you to wait, Mr. Rumway," said Mrs. Smiley, tormentingly.

Rumway, more or less costly, as you may order; but only the lady who is to live in the house can tell you what will please her;" and she smiled the very shadow of a superior smile. Mr. Rumway had foolishly thought to get his house furnished according to Mrs. Smiley's taste, and now found he should have to consult Mrs. Rumway's, present or prospective, and the discovery annoyed him.

If Captain Rumway were half as courageous as she, the chatterers would be confounded, she promised herself, as she made her toilet for the occasion not too nice for sea-water, but bright and pretty, and becoming, as her toilets always were.

After a little, "Mr. Chillis! Mr. Chillis!" wailed the woman's pathetic voice; and "O, my lovely lady!" sighed the man's. "What shall I do? what shall I do? I am so sorry. What shall I do?" "Tell me to go. I knew it would have to end so. I knew that Rumway would drive me to say what I ought not to say; for he is not worthy of you no man that I know of is.

You do not answer; shall I say it is 'yes?" He bent so close that his dark, half-curling mop of hair just brushed her golden braids, and gave her a little shock like electricity, making her start away with a blush. "Will you give me time to decide upon my answer, Mr. Rumway?"

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