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A Plain and Familiar Explication of Christ's Presence, in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. A Letter for the Observation of the Feast of Christ's Nativity. A Letter to Mr. William Struthers, one of the Preachers at Edinburgh. Epistola D. Baltasari Willio. Epistola D. Lud. Crocio. Reverendissimo Marco Antonio de L'om. Archiep. Spalatensi. Epistola decessus sui ad Romam dissuasiva.

Tu quoque dum toto laniatam corpore Romam Componis miro, Raphael, ingenio, Atque urbis lacerum ferro, igni, annisque cadaver, Ad vitam antiquum jam revocasque decus, Movisti superum invidiam, indignataque mors est Te dudum extinctis reddere posse animam, Et quod longa dies paulatim aboleverat, hoc te Mortali spreta lege parare iterum.

Yet again like his master, he fondly believed that he enjoyed the special inspiration of the Muses. Pliny, unfortunately for his reputation, gives us a few samples, which are quite as lame and jingling as the famous "O fortunatam natam, me Consule, Romam!" which had made generations of Romans smile.

She understands every thing. I'd give ten Pounds to hear her argue with my Friend Sir ANDREW FREEPORT about Trade. No, no, for all she looks so innocent as it were, take my Word for it she is no Fool. No. 119. Tuesday, July 17, 1711. Addison. 'Urbem quam dicunt Romam, Melibaee, putavi Stultus ego huic nostrae similem ... Virg.

Lang. lib. iv. cap. 8, says is: "Hac etiam tempestate Romanus Patricius et Exarchus Ravennae Romam properavit. Qui dum Ravennam revertitur retenuit civitates, quae a Langobardis tenebantur, quarum ista sunt nomma: Sutrium, Polimartium Hortas, Tuder, Ameria, Perusia, Luceolis et alias quasdam civitates. The truth of all this would appear to be that Gregory was really working for peace.

But first, in order to take in with eye and mind the whole city and its position, let us leave Aeneas, and crossing to the right bank of the Tiber by the Pons Aemilius, let us climb to the fort of the Janiculum, an ancient outwork against attack from the north, by way of the via Aurelia, and here enjoy the view which Martial has made forever famous: Hinc septem dominos videre montes Et totam licet aestimare Romam, Albanos quoque Tusculosque colles Et quodcunque iacet sub urbe frigus.

It is as likely as not that he may leave Rome without once finding an opportunity of surveying the whole site of the ancient city, or of asking, and possibly answering the question, how it ever came to be where it is. While occupied with museums and picture-galleries, he may well fail "totam aestimare Romam."

He flourished in the yere after the Incarnation, 390. Maximus being then King of Britaine. Eleemosynis intentus priuilegia ecclesiarum, sicut pater statuerat, roborauit; et trans mare Romam, et ad sanctum Thomam in Indiam multa munera misit.

No, no, for all she looks so innocent as it were, take my word for it she is no fool. T. No. 119. Urbem, quam dicunt Romam, Melibaee, putavi Stultus ego huic nostrae similem. VIRG. Ecl. i. v. 20. Fool that I was, I thought imperial Rome Like Mantua.

Moore and others insist that Byron's heart was at home when his presence was abroad, and that, with all her faults, he loved his country still. Leigh Hunt, on the contrary, asserts that he cared nothing for England or its affairs. Like many men of genius, Byron was never satisfied with what he had at the time. "Romae Tibur amem ventosus Tibure Romam."