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Updated: August 26, 2024

Once more Forsyth lay down, reaching over the pool as far as he could, and insinuating his hand into the water. But the fish moved off a little. Thus they coquetted with each other for some time, until the man's comrades began to observe that he was "after something". "Wot's he a-doin' of?" said one. "Reachin' over the pool, I think," replied another. "Ye don't mean he's sick?" cried a third.

Just remember that there's thirty-five Assembly districts in New York County, and thirty-six district leaders reachin' out for the Tammany dough-bag for somethin' to keep up the patriotism of ten thousand workers, and you wouldn't wonder that the cry for more, more, is goin' up from every district organization now and forevermore. Amen. The Successful Politician Does Not Drink

Judgin' by the sun, which went mighty slow that day, I kept that game up for an hour or more; an' then, as the rattler didn't come any more than the boys, I got tired of it, an' looked 'round for the bear's face. Well, that time it wasn't there. But in place of it was a big brown paw, reachin' round the edge of the rock all by itself, an' clawin' quietly within about a foot o' my ear.

If we was to pull them vines around and try to make 'em grow toward the north they wouldn't mind us. They'd creep back and go reachin' toward the sunlight ag'in just as if they had a compass to show 'em the way." It was hard work, I thought, to go down into the garden, night and morning, with my little pail full of water, but uncle said that I should get my pay when the melon was ripe.

And then a hull lot of evergreens standin' up straight and tall by the water's edge, and as fur back as you could see, but sort o' reachin' out their green arms towards the river.

Will ye try hit?" "Why don't you bring back the information yourself? Can't you come back through the lines as easily as you go?" "I mout, an' then ag'in I moutn't. Every time I go inter the Rebel camps the chances get stronger thet I'll never come back ag'in. Ez Harry Glen sez, the circle o' my onpleasant acquaintances the fellers thet's reachin' fur my top-knot widens.

"`Hands up, thar! says Jack Moore, reachin' for his six-shooter. 'Hands up! I'll jest fool you up about comin' in on your hoss. You work in one wink too many now, an' I puts a hole in your face right over the eye. "'Go slow, Jack, says Enright. 'Who may you-all be? he goes on to the locoed man on the hoss. "'Me? says the locoed man. 'I'm Red Dog Bill.

"'Who's your folks? says I, gettin' more an' more curious. "He jest looked at me sort of bored. "'Where does your folks live at? says I. "'Oh, they live around here, says he, an' he waved his hand again, an' this time over towards the east. "Says I: 'When do you figure on reachin' home? "'Oh, most any day, says he.

And sez I, "That is what I have always thought, Josiah Allen. I have always had better luck reachin' your conscience through your stomach than in any other way. And now," sez I coldly, "do you go out and bring in a pail of water." I used to get beat out and sick of their scufflin's and disagreein's, and broke 'em up whenever I could.

Flaherty cut th' king iv spades. Burke, th' robber, cut th' ace iv hearts. He was reachin' out f'r th' money, whin Flaherty put his hands over it. 'Wud ye take it? says he. 'I wud, says Burke. 'Wud ye rob th' church? says Flaherty. 'I wud, says Burke. 'Thin, says Flaherty, scoopin' it in, 'ye're a heretic; an' they'se nawthin' comin' to ye.

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