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At last she got out her mirror and made herself up, as delicately as a cat washes its face, little touches here and there. "Going?" "Yes, I shall see if the doctor will give me a piqûre. I am very tired." "I thought you had them on Mondays and Thursdays." "Yes, but sometimes I have an extra one. They pick me up." "Ah, les piqûres! Je suis, très bien, ça!"

She must dress herself and look her best, he told her, so as to make an impression upon all the men concerned; and then, when he had to leave her, he arranged with the prison doctor that she might receive a strong piqure of morphine, so that she would be serene. She spent the night dreaming quite happily and at four o'clock was awakened and began to dress.

He could not tell whether Sartorius had administered a piqûre of some kind to her or not, and the uncertainty filled him with apprehension. He could not rid his mind of Esther's stricken cry, "If he does that again I'm finished!" What was it she meant? Was it possible that those red dots on her arm furnished the answer? She might have been out of her senses when she said that, of course.

Espérons toujours! Et vous, ma pauvre Mademoiselle. Vous êtes excédée. Permettez que je vous fasse la meme piqure?" But she thanked him and said she wanted all her wits about her, though she promised "se maîtriser" to keep calm. What a night! Her ears had a sense of hearing that was preternaturally acute. The most distant step in the corridors was audible. Was it a reprieve?

Left alone, the young man gave himself a morphine piqure, and then sat down and held his head in his hands. He had heard, as he had told Harietta earlier in the afternoon, that his brother's wife was going to have a child, and he could find no way of proving legally that it could not be John's, so his venom had grown with his impotence.

He scarcely took the step forward which courtesy demanded. Surely his manners were the least ingratiating Esther had ever known in a professional man! "Forgive me, doctor, for coming like this," the patient began impulsively. "But to-morrow morning I find I cannot be at home, and I do hate to miss my piqûre!" "Very well, you can have it now."