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The major's brother is in the pilot-house, and he has learned something about handling the wheel. I am going to start the boat now; and if I can do nothing more, I can show myself to my father on board of the Bellevite." "I am glad to hear it. I intended to do something, though I hardly knew what, as soon as I was sure that the major and his men had gone," added Captain Pecklar.

"I may as well face the music first as last," said Louis, as he stepped out from the shelter of the pilot-house which had concealed him from those in the boat. "Of course it is no use to try to hide you. Do you wish to talk with the pirate, Louis?" asked the captain. "I don't object to hearing what he has to say, though certainly nothing will come of it," replied the intended victim.

I was on the bench of the pilot-house when we backed out and 'straightened up' for the start the boat pausing for a 'good ready, in the old-fashioned way, and the black smoke piling out of the chimneys equally in the old-fashioned way. Then we began to gather momentum, and presently were fairly under way and booming along.

He was thinking all the time of what he had done, and wondering what his recording angel had written down in regard to his action in the greatest emergency of his lifetime. "Mazagan is wounded in the shoulder; but Pitts thinks it will not prove to be a fatal wound," said Felix as he went into the pilot-house. "Has he come to his senses?" asked the captain. "He has; and he wants to talk."

And, so saying, he entered the pilot-house; and a moment later the watchers saw the two distant craft swing back along the horizon until the leading ship bore two points on the Flying Fish's starboard bow. "If you have no objection, Sir Reginald, I should like a torpedo-shell put into our bow tube," observed Mildmay, as he emerged from the pilot-house.

She was headed in the direction of the raft, and Mr. Gilder knew that, owing to those ill-timed blows, it had been discovered. Yes. Now he could see it again. There it was, not a hundred yards away, and the Whatnot was headed so as to intercept it as it came down. What should he do? It would be foolish to struggle for possession of the wheel against the two desperate men in the pilot-house.

Louis, having taken passage for home, a shell came whizzing by and carried off part of the pilot-house. It was the end of an era: the Civil War had begun. The occupation of the pilot was gone; but the river had given up to him all of its secrets. He was to show them to a world, in 'Life on the Mississippi' and 'Huckleberry Finn'.

The officers continued to fire as often as a rebel showed himself, but the latter seemed to have lost all desire for fighting, for they retreated to the plantation-house which stood back from the river, out of range of the rifles, where they gathered in a body as if in consultation, now and then setting up defiant yells, which came faintly to the ears of those in the pilot-house.

The captain laughed; but seeing that I was not in a jovial mood, stopped that and said 'But are you serious? 'Serious? I certainly am. The captain glanced up at the pilot-house and said 'He wants to get off at Napoleon! 'Napoleon ? 'That's what he says. 'Great Caesar's ghost! Uncle Mumford approached along the deck. The captain said

It was Ned Newton who asked the question, and Tom Swift who answered it. The chums were in the pilot-house of the dipping, swaying Mars, which was nosing her way into the storm, fighting on an upward slant, trying, if possible, to get above the area of atmospheric disturbance.