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In some ways he preferred the Palmengarten as a fighting ground to the forest glades in which the summer duels were sometimes fought. He felt, as he sat there, chief of his Korps, and looked up to by every one, very much as he fancied a Roman emperor must have felt in his high seat over the arena. A deep sense of satisfaction descended upon his soul.

The banquet given to General Grant by the citizens and resident Americans of Frankfort was a superb affair. It took place in the Palmengarten, which is, above any other object, the pride of the charming old "City of the Main."

The scene presented by the Palmengarten restaurant at four o'clock in the morning was extremely strange. Since Greif and Rex had dined together in the place on the previous evening, the arrangement of the hall had been considerably changed.

The joint-stock company by which this purchase was made received from the city a donation of twenty acres of land, and added thereto, from its own funds, ten acres more. The company also obtained, partly by donation, five large palm-trees, and from these the Palmengarten takes its name.

If he really means to fight, he is not such a Philistine as we thought! cried two or three. 'If you like, I will send for him, answered Greif. 'Here, little fox! he exclaimed, addressing a beardless youth of vast proportions who sat silent at the end of the table. 'Go to the Palmengarten and say that Greifenstein wishes Herr Rex to come here. Introduce yourself properly before speaking to him.

'Tell us all about it. He drank what remained in his huge measure and handed the mug to a fox to be filled. Then he took a good puff at his pipe and settled himself in an attitude of attention. 'We have had a row at the Palmengarten, said Greif. 'Rex and I 'You have quarrelled with Rex? interrupted the second. He and all his companions detested the man because he took Greif away from them.

'A good thing! A very good thing! exclaimed the second more solemnly than before. He rarely said much else, and his hand was infinitely more eloquent than his tongue. 'I hope it is, said Greif. 'This is your affair. You had better go and see the second of the Rhine Korps at once. Rex is waiting for the answer at the Palmengarten. Remember he is determined to fight at once.

I said the Philistine insisted excuse me, no offence. Good. Now that was all. The second buried his nose in a foaming tankard. 'Is it for to-morrow morning? asked Rex calmly. 'Palmengarten, back entrance, four sharp. 'What do you mean? asked Greif. 'Are we to fight in the Palmengarten, in the restaurant? The second nodded, and lighted his pipe. 'Poetic, he observed.