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Governments are in the process of change and transformation. The sovereignty of oriental nations is tottering; outcomes are wrapped in the greatest uncertainty. I desire, therefore, to speak to you upon this subject. I will call your attention more especially to the aspects of this war which Bahá’u’lláh prophesied forty years ago fully and completely.

Missionary societies are but one of the authentic outcomes of Christian principles, as natural as holiness of life, or the act of prayer. To secure, then, a more vigorous energy in such work, we need chiefly what we need for all Christian growth namely, more and deeper communion with Christ, a more vivid realisation of His grace and love for ourselves.

Afterward, they spread His teachings. It is my hope that you all may become the product of the life of Bahá’u’lláh and the outcomes of His heavenly training. When the people ask you, “What has Bahá’u’lláh accomplished?” say to them, “He has created these; He has trained us.” 17 November 1912 Talk at Genealogical Hall 252 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York

Any animal or any species of animals which meets such a calamity has before it only three possible outcomes of the struggle. First it may be plastic enough and it may vary enough in the right direction to adjust itself to the changed conditions. In this case it and a favored few like it will occupy the altered territory.

In his quiet moments there were so many of them now the broken man counted up his years of service, all too few, as it seemed to him, and lacking much of what they might have shown in outcomes for the church and the kingdom. His Conference was one of the few which paid the full annuity claim of its retired preachers, but even so he had not much to look forward to.

We may see in this style of composition one of the natural outcomes of the method pursued in the incantation texts, where, as will be remembered, the priest first recites the formulas, and then calls upon the individual before him to repeat it once, twice, or oftener, as the case may be. Such a custom leads to recital and responses in the hymns.

The consequence represents a list of outcomes, prioritized, ranked. It is also known as an ordinal utility function. For some of the games, the solutions are called Nash equilibria. Instead, they adopt the "Paretto-dominated", or the "Paretto-optimal", sub-optimal solution. The behaviour of the players reveals to us their order of preferences.

Throughout the world there are innumerable meetings and assemblages, more or less important according to their measure of contribution to human betterment, yet limited in their purpose and object to material questions and outcomes.

It seemed strange that this was one of the outcomes of the Jefferson-Ridgley game: that from so desperate a struggle had arisen this opportunity to know the leader of the purple for whom he held a growing admiration. A fellow who fought so hard and so cleanly, who took defeat so wonderfully and who made such a good pal was only a little less to be admired than Neil Durant.

In Bosnia, of course, some portions of the arms embargo were deliberately allowed to be permeable and the U.S. turned a blind eye to Iran's support of the Bosnians. Past experience also has taught us some relevant lessons about the potential of Shock and Awe. Improvements in the capabilities enhancing these outcomes could make a decisive difference in dealing with future challenges.