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Violet looked up at him with quivering lips. For a moment it seemed as though she were stepping out of her sordid surroundings. "Henry!" she exclaimed. "Did you come to look for me? Did you know that we were here?" "How should I?" he answered calmly. "I was strolling around with David Briston. We are at the Opera." "At the Opera," she repeated.

You have interfered with all my pleasures in life!" "I am going back to England quite soon, Coralie, won't you come now to the rue de la Paix and let me buy you a little souvenir of all the lovely times we have had together in the last year?" So she came, and selected a gem of an opera glass.

"Look, they are giving Louise day after tomorrow at the Opera Comique.... Won't you come; with me?" "No, I should cry too much." "I'll cry too." "But it's not..." "Cest l'armistice," interrupted Andrews. They both laughed! "All right! Meet me at the cafe at the end of the Boul' Mich' at a quarter past seven.... But you probably won't come." "I swear I will," cried Andrews eagerly. "We'll see!"

And this change in their feelings produced so painful an impression on her mind, that, after her brother's departure, she abandoned her intention of going to the opera, though Gluck's "Orfeo" was to be performed, lest she should meet with a reception less cordial than that to which she had hitherto been accustomed.

I am the more confirmed in the idea that this song was written previously to the opera, and from personal feeling, by finding among his earlier pieces the originals of two other songs "I ne'er could any lustre see," and "What bard, oh Time, discover." The thought, upon which the latter turns, is taken from a poem already cited, addressed by him to Mrs.

At times they approached on a lighter flood of oxygen. Mariana wiped his lips an immaterial red stain. But what was that confounded opera the name of which he had forgot? It would be in his albums; in the first, probably. Downstairs. He had a sudden view of Mariana's face as she returned with the volume. An expression of piercing concern overwhelmed the reassuring smile she had for him.

My actresses are very ugly, and Armida and her confidential lady ought to be very handsome: "However great the success of the opera of Armida, and certainly it was one of the best productions ever exhibited on the French stage, no one had a better opinion of its composition than Gluck himself. He was quite mad about it.

Wonder why you will do things that make people say mean things about you? But that's giving people pleasure. Some people would rather hear something mean about other people, especially if they're prosperous, than listen to the greatest opera ever sung. Not all people, but even good people, slow at everything else, are quick to believe ugly things of others.

Rockerbilt and rifle his pockets all I have to do is to station myself outside the Crackerbaker Club any dark opera night after twelve and catch him on his way home with his fortune sticking out all over him? Because the newspapers tell me that he is a regular habitué of the Crackerbaker and plays bridge there every night after the opera.

A servant doesn't know how to be a servant here; and were we to see the opera at Covent Garden, we would be sure to stare our eyes out. It is become habitual to introduce your conversation with, "when I was in Europe." And you know you never write a letter that you don't in some way bring in the distinguished persons you met abroad.