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Updated: August 21, 2024

I could earn a dollar and a half a day, common labor, and I might get in as instructor in Hanley's cramming joint I say might, mind you, and I might be chucked out at the end of the week for sheer inability." Martin followed the discussion closely, and while he was convinced that Olney was right, he resented the rather cavalier treatment he accorded Ruth.

Compare Cowper's humble home at Olney with Gibbon's elegant library at Lausanne, the social environment of Hallam, Grote, or Macaulay with the rustic isolation of Wordsworth, the economies of Shelley, or the life-struggle of Jerrold.

Ethelyn liked to look well, even here in Olney, and so the wrapper was laid aside, the beautiful brown hair was wound in heavy coils about the back of the head, and brushed back from her white forehead after a fashion which made her look still younger and more girlish than she was.

Once during the period of his judgeship Richard had attended a large and fashionable bridal party, but when, on his return to Olney, Melinda Jones questioned him with regard to the dresses of the bride and the guests, he found himself utterly unable to give either fabric, fashion, or even color, so little attention had he given to the subject.

Judge Miller, of Camden, than she once had been, and at first James was a little afraid of her, she puffed her hair so high, and wore her gowns so long, while his mother, looking at the stylish hat and fashionable sack which she brought back from Gotham, said her head was turned, and she was altogether too fine for Olney.

And so with Darwin. He took advantage of all that had been learned by the florists and cattle- breeders." "You're right, Martin," Olney said. "You know what you're after, and Ruth doesn't. She doesn't know what she is after for herself even." " Oh, yes," Olney rushed on, heading off her objection, "I know you call it general culture.

Spiritual pride, and the combination of a high profession with a low practice, were the dominant sins of the place. Scott's warfare against the perversions of Calvinism forms a conspicuous feature in his ministerial career. On his removal to the chaplaincy of the Lock Hospital in London, he met with the same troubles as at Olney, on a larger scale, and in an aggravated form.

And yet sometimes it happens that long after the parents have gone to their Rest it may be twenty years or more the good precept, the good example set before their sons and daughters in childhood, at length springs up and bears fruit. One of the most remarkable of such instances was that of the Reverend John Newton of Olney, the friend of Cowper the poet.

Pomeroy, Miss Masterson has been much distressed and fatigued this evening. If there is a respectable elderly woman in the house, therefore, to whose care you could entrust her for the night, it were well. 'There is old Mother Olney, Mr. Pomeroy answered, assenting with a readier grace than the tutor expected, 'who locked herself up an hour ago for fear of us young bloods.

"You can get the whole sixty right here if you want to," Johnny told him. "But if you want to distribute things " "I do," said Olney. "Then I'd take Keith, Carter, that teamster McGlynn, and Salisbury." Together they went the rounds of the impromptu armouries, going carefully over the rolls, picking a man here and there.

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