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W. C. Whitney rivalled Senator Brice in hospitality, and was besides an old acquaintance of the reforming era, but Adams saw him as little as he saw his chief, President Cleveland, or President Harrison or Secretary Bayard or Blaine or Olney. One has no choice but to go everywhere or nowhere. No one may pick and choose between houses, or accept hospitality without returning it.

Her eyes were flashing, and in her cheeks were two spots of color. "Culture is the end in itself." "But that is not what Martin wants." "How do you know?" "What do you want, Martin?" Olney demanded, turning squarely upon him. Martin felt very uncomfortable, and looked entreaty at Ruth. "Yes, what do you want?" Ruth asked. "That will settle it." "Yes, of course, I want culture," Martin faltered.

"Oh, we'll have both, don't worry," Charles Doane answered them. "Two vessels in the harbor have contributed cannon; we'll mount them on the foreparts of wagons. That's where Olney and his men will come in. And we've splendid riders, though the troops are still to be rounded into shape." He passed on hurriedly to execute some commission. "There's a splendid fellow," Olney said.

In the Olney Hymns, published 1779, Christmas Day only is referred to among all the Christian seasons. This was somewhat characteristic of the English Church in general during the greater part of the Georgian period. Other Christian seasons were often all but unheeded; Christmas was always kept much as it is now.

Reaching it, as if she feared her resolution might fail before the event, she pulled and pulled frantically, until hurrying footsteps came along the passage, and Mrs. Olney with a foolish face of alarm entered the room. 'Fetch tell the gentleman to come back, Julia cried, breathing quickly. 'To come back? 'Yes! The gentleman who was here now. 'Oh, yes, the gentleman, Mrs. Olney murmured.

Arthur and Norman, he found, believed in evolution and had read Spencer, though it did not seem to have made any vital impression upon them, while the young fellow with the glasses and the mop of hair, Will Olney, sneered disagreeably at Spencer and repeated the epigram, "There is no god but the Unknowable, and Herbert Spencer is his prophet."

Unwin, unless we should meet her before, and where we will be as happy as the day is long. Order yourself, my cousin, to the Swan at Newport and there you shall find me ready to conduct you to Olney. My dear, I have told Homer what you say about casks and urns, and have asked him whether he is sure that it is a cask in which Jupiter keeps his wine.

Then at a command the ranks fell apart and from the side-streets marched the sixty men chosen by Olney, dragging a field gun at the end of a rope. This they wheeled into position in the square and pointed it at the door of the jail. Quite deliberately, the cannon was loaded with powder and balls. A man lit a slow match, blew it to a glow, and took his position at the breech.

"Not Olney no, not Olney!" Ethelyn gasped, thinking how near that was to her mother-in-law, and shrinking from the espionage to which she would surely be subjected.

And when at last success was certain, and, flushed with triumph, he stood receiving the congratulations of his friends, and the Olney bell was ringing in honor of the new governor, and bonfires were lighted in the streets, the same little boys who had screamed themselves hoarse for the other candidates, stealing barrels and dry-goods boxes to feed the flames with quite as much alacrity as their opponents, there was not a throb of his heart which did not go out after the lost one, with a yearning desire to bring her back, and, by giving her the highest position in the State, atone in part for all which had been wrong.