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She was heavy and weary, and had no desire but to be left alone, while time passed by in a curious, dizzy fashion, light and darkness succeeding each other with extraordinary celerity. Then gradually all became clear; she was lying in the sick room where patients suffering from non-infectious complaints were taken. The pressure at her head was giving way, allowing glimmering flashes of memory.

There can be grouped in the class of infectious affections such conditions as nail pricks, calk wounds and canker. In the class of non-infectious affections one may consider conditions such as laminitis, strain and fractures. To observe attentively is to remember distinctly. Poe.

Lymphangitis is most frequently occasioned by the introduction of septic material into the tissues; consequently, infectious lymphangitis is more frequently observed than the non-infectious type.

A non-infectious type of lymphangitis is frequently seen in the heavy draft breeds of horses and in such cases one or both hind legs are involved it is very seldom that the thoracic limbs become so affected. Law refers to this ailment as "Acute Lymphangitis of Plethora in Horse."

This form of sore mouth will be discussed along with other infectious diseases, and the following discussion will be confined to the non-infectious form of the disease. The causes are irritation from the bit, sharp teeth, irritating drenches, roughage that contains beards or awns of grasses and grains, and burrs that wound the lining membrane of the mouth.

However, in some cases, animals have been successfully treated without bandaging and by keeping the patient in a standing position and on pillar reins until recovery resulted. Such cases were of the non-infectious type and recovery was possible within three or four weeks.

After the first two weeks the disease becomes less acute. In the highly acute form the chicks die without showing the usual train of symptoms. It is very easy to differentiate between the infectious and the non-infectious diarrhoea. In the latter, the percentage of chicks affected is small and the disease responds to treatment more readily than does the infectious form.

In another way hygienic teaching may reduce the amount of venereal diseases, and that is by leading infected individuals to seek thorough medical treatment without delay. This, of course, will render the diseased person non-infectious to others.

No difference exists between other symptoms in infectious arthritis caused by punctures, and non-infectious arthritis, excepting the intensity of the pain occasioned, the rise in temperature, circulatory disturbances, etc.; all of which have been previously mentioned. Treatment.

+The Five-year Rule.+ The truth of the matter is that, as Hoffmann says, no treatment can guarantee the non-infectiousness of a syphilitic in the first five years of his disease. Time is thus an essential element in pronouncing a person non-infectious and hence in deciding his fitness for marriage, for example.