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Updated: August 10, 2024

The Prince de Neuchatel had the honor of beating off the attack of a forty-gun British frigate an exploit second only to that of the General Armstrong in the harbor of Fayal. This privateer with a foreign name hailed from New York and was so fortunate as to capture for her owners three million dollars' worth of British merchandise.

. . .You speak of Christmas as the moment of your arrival; let us call it the New Year. You will naturally pass some days at Neuchatel to be with your brother, to see the Messrs. Coulon, etc.; from there to Cudrefin for a look at your collection; then to Concise, then to Montagny, Orbe, Lausanne, Geneva, etc. M. le Docteur will be claimed and feted by all in turn.

Their Majesties invited to dine with them the Duke and Duchess of Weimar, the Queen of Westphalia, the King of Wurtemberg, the King of Saxony, the Grand Duke Constantine, Prince William of Prussia, the Prince Primate, the Prince of Neuchatel, Prince Talleyrand, the Duke of Oldenburg, the hereditary Prince of Weimar, and the Prince of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

After long observation and careful inquiry and prolonged reflection, the lady she had fixed upon was Miss Neuchatel; and she it was who had made Lord Roehampton cross the room and address Adriana after her song. "He is not young," reasoned Lady Montfort to herself, "but his mind and manner are young, and that is everything.

After some hours, passing many a black-timbered mountain village the houses of which, set on stone piles, are the direct descendants of the pile-supported lake dwellings of the Stone Age on the shores of the Lake of Neuchatel we came to the upper and narrower part of the valley.

"Moral courage is the rarest of qualities, and often maligned." "Well, he has got a champion," said Mr. Neuchatel. "I ardently wish him success," said Myra, "in all his undertakings. I only wish I knew what they were." "Has not he told your brother, Miss Ferrars?" asked Mr. Neuchatel, with laughing eyes. "He never speaks of himself to Endymion," said Myra.

In the soldiers' opinion, the Prince de Neuchatel and his brilliant staff, the grand marshal, Generals Bertrand, Bacler d'Albe, etc., were only men of the cabinet council, whose experience might be of some use in such deliberations, but to whom bravery was not indispensable.

The minister's grand officers, and officers of Alexander's suite, received from his Majesty magnificent presents; and the Emperor Alexander did likewise in regard to the persons attached to his Majesty. He gave the Duke of Vicenza the grand cordon of Saint Andrew, and a badge of the same order set in diamonds to the Princes of Benevento and Neuchatel.

More than one of our receipt-forms is missing and it is impossible to say what new frauds may not be committed if we fail to lay our hands on the thief. Who was the suspected man? In Vendale's position, it seemed useless to inquire. Who was to be sent to Neuchatel with the receipt? Men of courage and men of honesty were to be had at Cripple Corner for the asking.

Neuchatel, "and on the high road to a bishopric." "That is what we want, Lady Montfort," said Mr. Neuchatel; "we want a few practical men. If we had a practical man as Chancellor of the Exchequer, we should not be in the scrape in which we now are." "It is not likely that Penruddock will leave the Church with a change of government possibly impending.

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