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"But the misanthropy of the Shakespearean hero was not without cause, Mr. Stewart," I urged.

Stackpole," said Constance, "is subject to occasional fits of misanthropy, in which cases her retreating with her work to the solitude of the centre-table is significant of her desire to avoid conversation, as Mr. Thorn has been experiencing." "I am happy to see that the malady is not catching, Miss Constance." "Mr. Stackpole!" said Constance, "I am in a morose state of mind!

It was in the dreary month of fog, misanthropy, and suicide the month during which Heaven receives a scantier tribute of gratitude from discontented man during which the sun rises, but shines not gives forth an unwilling light, but glads us not with his cheerful rays during which large tallow candles assist the merchant to calculate his gains or to philosophise over his losses in short, it was one evening in the month of November of the year 17 , that Edward Forster, who had served many years in his Majesty's navy, was seated in a snug arm-chair, in a snug parlour, in a snug cottage to which he had retired upon his half-pay, in consequence of a severe wound which had, for many years, healed but to break out again each succeeding spring.

"Should I not send to Monkbarns, sir?" said his daughter. "To what purpose? He cannot lend me such a sum, and would not if he could, for he knows I am otherwise drowned in debt; and he would only give me scraps of misanthropy and quaint ends of Latin." "But he is shrewd and sensible, and was bred to business, and, I am sure, always loved this family." "Yes, I believe he did.

Nothing surpasses for unstudied misanthropy of expression the visages of different Neapolitan harpers who have visited us; but they have some right to their dejected countenances as being of a yet half-civilized stock, and as real artists and men of genius.

As we were in the drawing-room together, before the gentlemen joined us after dinner, she called to me from her seat by the fire, 'Come here, you little piece of innocence, I want to talk to you; why do you always creep into a remote corner of the room away from everybody? Is it modesty, or misanthropy, that drives you from your fellow-creatures?

This one thought drove all others from his mind. Weariness of life, atheism, misanthropy, all disappeared from his path like will-o'-the-wisps before the rays of the sun. And Melanie liked the young fellow in return. She had no strong passions, and was a prudent girl, yet she confessed to herself that this young man pleased her.

The very hopelessness of Margaret Cooper's ambition, which led her to misanthropy, was the source of an ever-fertile and upspringing confidence.

Sad is the condition of a brilliant and fiery spirit shut up in a man's brain without the humble assistance of this lively, meek and patient virtue! What unrelieved and insupportable throes of agony must be borne by such a spirit, and how often does such labour end in misanthropy or madness!

"And what would you have gained as chief of a maddening populace?" "What should I have gained? That sort of consideration I leave to the 'learned' and to 'ministers' and such people: my part is to resolve and to execute as the crisis arises." "So then it was mere appetite for destruction that drove you on? For that I should scarce have thought your misanthropy sufficient."