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Already has Allah delivered us out of his hands. What may we not expect if he is hungry and desolate?" "Your wisdom never grows less," replied the caliph "those are the words of truth: nevertheless, I must go and see the madman once more." Giaffar, not being able to prevail, prepared the dresses; and they, accompanied by Mesrour, again sallied forth by the private gate of the seraglio.

After Schemselnihar had quieted the prince of Persia and Ebn Thaher's fears, she ordered the slave, her confident, to go and entertain Mesrour and the two other officers till she was in a condition to receive them, and send to her to bring them in.

"I have my dagger, Commander of the Faithful," observed Mesrour, "and I fear him not." "Use it not, Mesrour," replied the caliph. "Get ready the dresses, and let us depart." "I venture to promise that we shall see no more lights this time, except it may be a solitary lamp to enable him to bathe his wounded feet."

It was occasioned by a hundred flambeaux of white wax, carried by as many young eunuchs; these were followed by as many others, who guarded the ladies of the caliph's palace, clothed, and armed with scimitars, in the same manner as those already mentioned; and the caliph came after them, betwixt Mesrour, their captain, on his right, and the vassif, their second officer, on his left hand.

Hidden among some picketed dromedaries, he saw Abdullah enter the tent of the brethren, then, waiting till a cloud crossed the moon, Mesrour ran to it unseen, and throwing himself down on its shadowed side, lay there like a drunken man, and listened with all his ears.

The caliph fell a laughing; by which the vizier recognising him, "Commander of the true believers," said he, "is it possible it can be you? I knew you not; and I ask a thousand pardons for my rudeness. You are so disguised that you may venture into the hall without any fear of being discovered by Scheich Ibrahim." Stay you here with Mesrour," said the caliph, "while I go and play my part."

So saying, the smoker laid down his pipe, examined narrowly Mesrour's ear, and, taking hold of it very roughly, suddenly pulled it with all his force, crying out, "Your ear is too short!" Mesrour uttered a dreadful cry. One of the keepers ran up, and caused the astrologer to quit his hold.

The caliph consented, and the princess charged with this important commission an old nurse, who had lived with her from her infancy. "Hark you nurse," said she, "you see my dispute with the commander of the faithful, and Mesrour; I need tell you no more. Go to Abou Hassan's or rather to Nouzhatoul-aouadat's, for Abou Hassan is dead, and clear up this matter for me.

Honourable, courteous, kindly gentleman, highly civilized, an excellent citizen and a patriot, he was icy at an outrage to his principles, and in the dominion of Love a sultan of the bow-string and chopper period, sovereignly endowed to stretch a finger for the scimitared Mesrour to make the erring woman head and trunk with one blow: and away with those remnants! This internally he did.

See, there stands before him one as he were thyself, O Jaafer; yonder eunuch is as he were Mesrour and those boon-companions as they were my own. By Allah, O Jaafer, my reason is confounded and I am filled with amazement at this thing! 'And I also, by Allah, O Commander of the Faithful, replied Jaafer.