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Updated: August 14, 2024

All things being thus concluded, the Governor was desired that I might have leave to take three men along with me. Hee knew very well to what intent, but hee pretended to bee ignorant of it, for 'tis unlikely that hee could think I would return back to france without doing something about what La Chesnay & I had mention'd unto him, seeing I demanded these three men to goe along with me.

Agreeable to the list mention'd Opinion, some Naturalists will have it, that an Hermaphrodite, which is very vigorous as to both Sexes, may Engender within himself, without the Company of another Person, having Matter to form a Child, a Place to conceive it, and proper Liquid for Nourishment: In the same manner as Jack Hares engender once in their Lives, and that Stags do the same, which is maintain'd by the learned Langius: But these Generations are both impossible and ridiculous, the Naturalists must certainly be deceiv'd, in taking some Parts of the Female for the Testicles of the Male; and what probability is there that the Seed should come out of one Part and into the other, without losing its Spirits, and altering considerably in changing of Place?

Even the typical soldiers I have been personally intimate with, it seems to me if I were to make a list of them it would be like a city directory. Some few only have I mention'd in the foregoing pages most are dead a few yet living. Stansberry; Manvill Winterstein, Ohio; Bethuel Smith; Capt. Sam. Pooley and Lieut. Fred. McReady, same reg't.

But because it would be Tedious and not so Intelligible to deliver this in Words, I have thought fit to Referr You to the Annexed Scheme where the Newly mention'd particulars may be at one View taken Notice of. PPP. An Aequilaterotriangular Crystalline Prism, one of whose edges P. is placed directly towards the Sun.

Banks, lies about 5 Leagues from the Coast of Tovy poenammu; the South point bears South 21 degrees West from the higher peak on the Snowy Mountain so often mention'd, and lies in the Latitude of 43 degrees 52 minutes South and in the Longitude of 186 degrees 30 minutes West, by observations made of the Sun and Moon this morning.

These Cheeses will be fit to cut when they have been made eight Months; it is to be observ'd, that if we salt them in the manner first mention'd, that is, by cutting the Cheese, such Cheeses will be smooth-coated. To make Slip-Coat Cheese, which is the thin Summer Cheese, call'd in London Cream Cheese. From the Farm call'd the Vaises in Essex.

As this Rage of theirs was implacable, so, as I hinted before, it drove them into another Subdivision of Parties, and now began the Mysterious Plot to be laid which I mention'd before; for the Cortez being summon'd, and the Law being proposed, some of these high Solunarians appear'd in Confederacy with the Crolians, in perfect Confederacy with them, a thing no Body would have imagin'd could ever ha' been brought to pass.

There is another way and differing enough from those already mention'd, by which Metalls may be brought to exhibit adventitious Colours: For by This, the Metall do's not so much impart a Colour to another Body, as receive a Colour from it, or rather both Bodies do by the new Texture resulting from their mistion produce a new Colour.

And in another place, having mention'd the most proper Objects of Wit, he thus expresses himself, "This I say on purpose to recommend to Men a nobler Exercise for their Wits, and if it be possible, to put them out of Conceit with that scoffing Humour, which is so easy and so ill-natur'd, and is not only an Enemy to Religion, but to every thing else that is wise and worthy; and I am very much mistaken, if the State as well as the Church, the Civil Government as well as Religion, do not in a short space find the intolerable Inconvenience of this Humour."

But among the many Instances I could give you of the easie Production of Redness by the Operation of Saline Spirit, as well as of Spirit of Wine; I remember two or three of those I have tried, which seem remarkable enough to deserve to be mention'd to you apart. But before we set them down, it will not perhaps appear impertinent to premise;

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