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I shouted to my men to cast down their rifles, and to take spears and throw themselves into the melee. They obeyed, their blood being now thoroughly up, and Mr Mackenzie's people followed their example. This move had a momentary good result, but still the fight hung in the balance.

To Count Charles was awarded upon this occasion the silver cup from the lady of the lists. Count Bossu received the prize for breaking best his lances; the Seigneur de Beauvoir for the most splendid entrance; Count Louis, of Nassau, for having borne himself most gallantly in the melee.

The noise of their blows and strokes has reached as far as to the army. In a short time the melee would have been desperate, if the enemy had dared to stand before them. The king's men run through the host to take their weapons, and dash into the water noisily, and the enemy turn to flight; for they see that it is not good to stay there. And the Greeks follow them, striking with lances and swords.

These were two of the same stones, very likely torn apart and disengaged from the rest in the mêlée at the capture of the Indian palace. "Can you take them off?" Sir Charles asked blandly. He spoke in the tone that indicates business. "Certainly," the little curate answered, smiling. "I'm accustomed to taking them off. They're always noticed.

And in a second more a vision, it seemed to the dazed Donald, but it was not a vision at all, only a buxom young girl in a blue homespun gown, had seized him with one hand and Katie with the other, and drawn them both into the room, into the general whir and mêlée of wheels, merry faces, and still merrier voices.

Then with his free hand he tugged the revolver from his coat pocket, holding it by the barrel and bringing the metal butt down on the queue-wound head of the third man, who had no knife, but was struggling with the woman for the metal icicle she had caught up from the floor. Then the five seemed to close in together, and the fight became general. It became a mêlée.

The ladies, who had been pretty free in their criticisms of the Boers, were saying hard things of people nearer home. They had a grievance against the butcher and his manipulation of the meat. The clamour at the shambles of the butcher despot was growing in volume. Hungry masses crowded the shops, and that some should emerge meatless from the melee was inevitable.

"None of that, gentlemen! You must leave it to us," and at the same instant the first rank seemed to leave them. The order to advance had been given, and the mêlée had begun. The rear rank advancing covered the members of the Club from attack. "We seem to be spectators," observed Captain Heseltine, in a disappointed tone. He had earnestly hoped that some one would assault him.

But in every battle from Weissenburg to Sedan with the exception of the confused melee of Mars-la-Tour, the French, besides being bewildered and discouraged, were in inferior strength; after Sedan the French levies in the field were scarcely soldiers.

Werner courageously kept the foe at bay, but was wounded in the mêlée, and Margaretha, seeing her lover fall and being unable to reach him, took the trumpet and sounded the bugle-call he had taught her, hoping that her father would hear it and hasten his return.