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Secondly, the breakage of the suspicious axle was caused by a hollow space having been blown in it and a straw very cleverly inserted. "Eh! Monsieur le baron, whoever did that was malicious!" he said; "any one would swear, to look at it, that the axle was sound." Monsieur de Maulincour begged the carriage-maker to say nothing of the affair; but he felt himself warned.

No one is left but the prudent pedestrian, the man who, before he sets forth, makes sure of a scrap of blue sky through the rifting clouds. Monsieur de Maulincour took refuge, as we have said, with a whole family of fugitives, under the porch of an old house, the court-yard of which looked like the flue of a chimney.

The day after the event we have just related, at the moment when the Baron de Maulincour was passing this scaffolding in his cabriolet on his way to see Madame Jules, a stone, two feet square, which was being raised to the upper storey of this building, got loose from the ropes and fell, crushing the baron's servant who was behind the cabriolet.

"Make that inquiry at my own house, monsieur, if you are curious," said Maulincour, moving away, and leaving Madame Jules in an almost fainting condition.

By what right do you trouble her peaceful life, and blacken her virtue?" Some one entered the card-room. Ferragus rose to go. "Do you know this man?" asked Monsieur de Maulincour of the new-comer, seizing Ferragus by the collar. But Ferragus quickly disengaged himself, took Monsieur de Maulincour by the hair, and shook his head rapidly. "Must you have lead in it to make it steady?" he said.

"Adieu; keep an eye on Maulincour." "You can rest easy on that score." "Ho! stay, marquis," cried the convict. "What is it?" "Ida is capable of everything after the scene of last night. If she should throw herself into the river, I would not fish her out. She knows the secret of my name, and she'll keep it better there. But still, look after her; for she is, in her way, a good girl." "Very well."

Three days later, hearing nothing, and seeing nothing in the newspapers about the projected arrest, which was certainly of enough importance to have furnished an article, Monsieur de Maulincour was beginning to feel anxieties which were presently allayed by the following letter:

Jules then beheld a man employed in dressing a number of wounds on the shoulders of Ferragus, whose head he recognized from the description given to him by Monsieur de Maulincour. "When do you think those wounds will heal?" asked Ferragus. "I don't know," said the other man. "The doctors say those wounds will require seven or eight more dressings."

Two inches more and the stone would have fallen on the baron's head. The groom was dead, the carriage shattered. 'Twas an event for the whole neighborhood, the newspapers told of it. Monsieur de Maulincour, certain that he had not touched the boarding, complained; the case went to court.

Drawing the baron under one of the temporary sheds of the Bourse, near which they were standing, he said to him in a voice which concealed his intense inward emotion: "Monsieur, I will listen to you; but there will be a duel to the death between us if " "Oh, to that I consent!" cried Monsieur de Maulincour. "I have the greatest esteem for your character. You speak of death.