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Updated: August 4, 2024

They are wont to sing the Salve to our Lady; on some days, the litany; and on the Fridays of Lent the Miserere to accompany the discipline all of which indicates the faith which burns and glows in their souls.

It was even whispered that Maria Upjohn had in an incautious moment confessed that she preferred the litany to Mr.

We ought to add a petition to the litany for safety against our safeguards, for they kill more than they rescue."

The service begins with a chant in Tsimshean, "I wilt arise and go to my Father," etc., Mr. Schutt leading with the harmonium; the Litany Prayers in Tsimshean follow, closing with the Lord's Prayer. The address lasts nearly an hour.

Have you ever a messenger to send, a man who will risk his life and can be trusted fully?" "Yes, yes!" she cried. "Write it down for me and Dick shall have it. Quick; for Our Lady's sake, be quick about it! O Sancta Maria, mater. Dei " The low impassioned chant of the Roman litany was ringing in my ears as I sat down to the table to write my message to Richard Jennifer.

As the prince hastened forward to meet them with sweepings of his gown embroidered by a thousand needles and bent above their hands uttering gracious words, assuredly in all the history of Med and of the Litany the room of the Crucified Sphinx had never presented a more peculiar picture. Into that tranquil atmosphere, dream-pervaded, Mrs.

The men in this town realize more and more when they are well off, and here is one of them." And he refilled his glass. Isabel, not knowing that she had been listening to the litany of wasted lives, turned in disgust and cast about for an excuse to leave before Stone ordered another bottle of champagne.

He will have rest now, the deep rest of the people of God.... He has died for us all.... To-day nineteen hundred years ago the Son of Man gave His life for the world.... The President has followed in his Master's steps." Sumner was repeating softly to himself, like a litany, that sentence from the second Inaugural "With malice toward none, with charity for all."

When he wrote the Requiem for the funeral of Dona Barbara di Braganza, foreseeing the surprise and difficulties that the musicians and singers would meet with in the innovations in his score, he wrote on the margin, 'This is to give notice that there are no mistakes in the score. His Litany became so celebrated that it was forbidden to copy it, under pain of excommunication; but I think to-day the persons who remember it would be the excommunicated.

The fine irony of affiliating with a people who worship a Jew as their Savior, but who have legislated against, and despised the Jew this attracted Disraeli. With them he bowed the knee in an adoration they did not feel, and while his lips said the litany, his heart repeated Ben Ezra's prayer. In temperament he belonged with the double-dealing East.

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