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He patronized the "butcher" lavishly, crushing handful after handful of lemon-drops noisily between his teeth and strewing orange peel and cigar ashes on the floor with the careless unconcern that accords with firmly established financial eminence.

He believed, against his will, that Maurice Levy could have successfully eaten chocolate-creams, licorice sticks, lemon-drops, jaw-breakers, peanuts, waffles, lobster croquettes, sardines, cinnamon-drops, watermelon, pickles, popcorn, ice-cream and sausage with raspberry lemonade and cider.

He said he must remain at home to harvest his crop of jackson-balls, lemon-drops, bonbons and chocolate-creams. Also he had large fields of crackerjack and buttered pop corn to be mowed and threshed, and he was determined not to disappoint the children of Oogaboo by going away to conquer the world and so let the candy crop spoil.

I'm fair game for everybody that's looking for a nice, soft, easy, safe boob to kick! Why, look there!" While she still sat marveling he pounced on the meek little five-cent bag of lemon-drops, shook it as though it were a very small kitten, and whined: "Look at this! Candy or something all the while!

He said he'd spent it for the concertina, and watermelon, and chocolate-creams, and licorice sticks, and lemon-drops, and peanuts, and jaw-breakers, and sardines, and raspberry lemonade, and pickles, and popcorn, and ice-cream, and cider, and sausage there was sausage in his pocket, and mamma says his jacket is ruined and cinnamon drops and waffles and he ate four or five lobster croquettes at lunch and papa said, 'Who gave you that dollar? Only he didn't say 'WHO' he said something horrible, Bob!

And sometimes he gave me lemon-drops, but they said if ever I told, the lions should have me. I used to think I might be saved like Daniel; but after I told the lie, I knew I should not.

Those foolish young people, finding their courtship was running too smooth, indulged themselves in the luxury of a mock quarrel about what, shall we say? well, a packet of lemon-drops would about represent the state of the case. However, as you know, quarrels about nothing sometimes assume portentous proportions; but I am happy to think that I have just put things right between those two."

Here were some lemon-drops for papa, and here a beautiful box for mamma, and a gutta-percha frog for Helen, and a flag for Annie, and bon-bons for both, and for Sarah too, and a delightful story about a little Arthur, that nobody could have but the baby Johnnie would keep it for him till he could read it. 'And what have you got for yourself, Johnnie! said his father.

'I have the giving it! said Johnnie. 'You are your mother's own boy, Johnnie, said Arthur, with a sort of fond deep sadness, as the child mounted his footstool to put one of the lemon-drops into his mouth, watching to be told that it was good.

This had always been considered a man's school during the winter months, but a departure had been made in this case because the female teacher was needy and a minister's daughter. The place was filled by a man who never tempered injustice with lemon-drops, and ruled generally with fair and equal measure.