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"Je ne vous ai point d'obligations," disoit le fils; "vous m'avez fait beaucoup de tort; si vous n'etiez point ne, je serois a present l'heritier de mon grand-pere." Un avare faisant son testament, se fit lui-meme son heritier. Un homme voyoit un bateau si charge que les bords en etoient a fleur d'eau: "Ma foi," dit-il, "si la riviere etoit un peu plus haute le bateau iroit a fond."

Grotius's History was translated into French by M. L'Heritier, father of Mademoiselle L'Heritier, famous for her writings: but it deserves a new translator to turn it into better French. Ep. 595. p. 236. Ep. 402. p. 869. Ep. 454. p. 883. Ep. 539. p. 916. Parhasiana, t. 1. p. 161. Preface de l'Hist. de Hollande. Ep. 873. p. 384. Vie par Gassendi, l. 3. p. 182.

Isabella was not yet sixteen; and it might have been supposed that her marriage could be put off for a few years more; but this was considered to be out of the question. "Vous ne savez pas," said a high authority, "ce que c'est que ces princesses espagnoles; elles ont le diable au corps, et on a toujours dit que si nous ne nous hations pas, l'heritier viendrait avant le mari."

If, on the French side, in that tussle of the cuirassiers, Delort, l'Heritier, Colbert, Dnop, Travers, and Blancard were disabled, on the side of the English there was Alten wounded, Barne wounded, Delancey killed, Van Meeren killed, Ompteda killed, the whole of Wellington's staff decimated, and England had the worse of it in that bloody scale.