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Updated: August 5, 2024

On the 10th of September last, there was a long Hearing, before the Club, of a Fellow that said he had killd the Duke of 'Bavaria'. Now as David punishd the Man that said he had killd King 'Saul', whether it was so or no, twas thought this Fellow ought to be delivered up to Justice, tho the Duke of 'Bavaria' was alive. Upon the whole, twas voted a scandalous Thing, That News.

Nat Hart, our worthy and respectable Friend, I doubt is cut off by the Savages at the time and in the manner as first represented, to wit, that he went out to hunt his horses in the month of July or August it is supposed the Indians in Ambuscade between Boonsboro and Knockbuckle, intended to take him Prisonner, but killd his horse and at the same time broke his Thigh, that the savages finding their Prisonner with his Thigh broken was under the necessity of puting him to Death by shooting him through the Heart at so small a Distance as to Powder burn his Flesh.

Side & opposite to the lower point of an Island we were obliged to move under the hills, the dust & Sand blew in clouds. The bends of the river are Short and points Covered with Cotton wood under groth wild rose bushes I killed 2 Elk to day Several Deer Killd. & a Buffalow Cow.

Grat many Indians liveing on the Bay & those two rivers, the the Countrey on the Stard. Side high broken & thickly timbered, that on the Lard. at Some distance from Point Adms high and mountains on a Pinecal of a which is Snow at this time- near the Point is Low bottom land our hunters and fowlers killd 2 Deer 1 Crane & 2 ducks, my Servt.

And then once or twice the sleepy voice cryde out, "Oh it was I that murthered him! this hand killd him!" Hen. Art sure thou heardst this? Buz. Am I sure these are my eares? Hen. And dar'st thou sweare thou heardst it? Buz. Lay downe 20 oathes, and see if Ile not take them. Hen. And whose voice was it did appeare to thee? Buz. Whose voice was it?

Drewyer Killd Six of them, made Some Luner observations this evening. Wild Cherry only larger & grows on a Small bush, on the side of a clift Sand Stone 1/2 me. up & on Lower Side I marked my name & day of the month near an Indian Mark or Image of animals & a boat Tried Willard for Sleeping on his post, our hunters killed some Deer, Saw Elk & Buffalow.

Ile not so dishonour My father, nor my ancestours before me, Nor my posterity with such an earthquake To shake our noble house. Mac. Give him the Law then. Man. Ile meete a thousand deaths first. Hen. Plucke, & plucke home, for he's a murtherous Villaine. Man. Thou worse, a divell. Mac. Racke him! Man. Oh stay! for heavens sake spread your mercy! I doe confesse the murther; I killd my father.

Stand out: whither goe you? Buz. To stand out. Clark. Stand there. Mac. Now what can he say? Hen. First, my Lord, heare mee: My brother & I lying in one bed together, And he just under us Buz. In my fleabitten Trundle bed. Clark. Peace, sirra. Hen. About midnight I awaking, And this Buzzano too, my brother in his sleepe Thus cryde out, "Oh, twas I that murtherd him, This hand that killd him"!

He puts the end to the breast of him that tyed him, and killd him in the presence of all his camerades; but without any more adoe he was burnt very cruelly. All the French though dead were tyed to posts along the River side, and the 4 Algonquins. As for the hurons they were burnt at their discretion.

Saw trees Peeled & found poles &c. at 11 oC I Saw a gange of Elk as we had no provision Concluded to kill Some Killd two and dined being oblige to Substitute dry buffalow dung in place of wood, this evening passed over a Cream Coloured flint which roled down from the Clifts into the bottoms, the Clifts Contain flint a dark grey Stone & a redish brown intermixed and no one Clift is Solid rock, all the rocks of everry description is in Small pices appears to have been broken by Some Convulsion- passed a butifull Creek on the Std.

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