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Moreover the Knight Johann von Beust, father of Junker Henning, had journeyed to Nuremberg to visit his wounded son; and whereas he learnt many matters from his son's friends around his sick-bed, he earnestly besought the Elector so to bring matters about that due punishment should overtake the Junker's foeman.

You get off," she turned on the astounded Johann, "and don't you let me hear any of your complaints, or I'll have something to tell the police." At the sound of the hated word "police," Wilfer turned, and mumbling some incoherent words, slunk away. His game was up, and seeing him vanquished, Miss Lester now took the centre of the stage, as it were, and turned her attention on the scowling Jasper.

The last Quartet, opus 135, is dedicated to Johann Wolfmayer, a merchant of Vienna with whom he had much friendly intercourse. Wolfmayer showed his interest in the master's work in many ways. It may be mentioned that he offered him a sum equal to several hundreds of dollars to carry out his project of writing a Requiem Mass.

"Our product is the old-fashioned eau-de-cologne water with the name 'Farina' on it." "But in America we associate eau-de-cologne with the Germans," said I. "Doesn't the bottle say 'Johann Maria Farina'? Surely the form of the name is German." "But that was not his name, monsieur; he was a Frenchman, and called himself 'Jean Marie. Yes, really, the Germans stole the manufacture from the French.

Upon which he confirmed all that Johann had said "The devil had dispersed the whole band, so that only two were left with the captain himself and Konnemann; and they came from Noerenburg, where the master had been striking a bargain with Elias von Wedel, for a town in Poland. The town was called Lembrowo, and there was a stately castle there, as grand almost as the castle of old Dewitz at Daber.

Before his time there had been, to be sure, some performing of miracle-plays, and perhaps things of a different sort. The German literary historians, however, make it an era when Reuchlin came as professor to Heidelberg, and, in 1497, set up a stage, with students for actors, at the house of Johann, Kämmerer von Dalberg. He wrote his plays in Latin. If you wish, I can send you their titles.

The mother had a secret desire that the boy should join the priesthood, but the father, as we have seen, hoped he would make a musical career, and determined, though poor in this world's goods, to aid him in every possible way. About this time a distant relative, one Johann Mathias Frankh by name, arrived at the Haydn cottage on a visit.

"What's the rest of your name? There are so many Johanns on the calendar." "I am Johann Nepomuk." Muller took a little calendar from his pocket and turned its pages. "It was May sixteenth," volunteered the valet. "Quite right. May sixteenth was a Saturday. And since then you have gone to the theatre every Saturday evening?" "Yes, sir. "When did the owner of the house go away?" "Last April.

But remembering I had a message to leave at the hut of Johann Schmidt, telling him to meet me in the morning to fell a tree that had been marked for us by the forester, I went round that way, which thou knowest leads deeper into the Forest. Johann had just returned from his work, and after exchanging a few words I turned homewards.

I much regret that I allowed Johann to accompany me from Khartoum; I feel convinced he can never rally from his present condition. 24th Dec. Sailed yesterday at 4.5 P.M., course south. This morning we are off the Bagara country on the west bank. Dead flats of mimosas, many of the trees growing in the water; the river generally shallow, and many snags or dead stumps of trees.