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Let us suppose a rich collector to have arrived in some well-known Italian market for art, picture-jockeying is much the same everywhere, in pursuit of "originals." Great is the commotion among dealers and their sensali or jackals.

There is a common idea that jackals attach themselves to tigers, and are useful in warning them of danger, and I have been informed by an experienced sportsman that they always howl when they find a bait tied out for a tiger, and, it is supposed, with the view of informing any tiger within hearing that there is a bullock all ready for him.

These are the unerring guides, who have pointed out to me in Darius a plant, that will one day wax into a mighty tree." During the interviews with Sappho, Zopyrus and the attendants used all their endeavors to kill a few snipes, jackals or jerboas.

In this Western Ghareeah there are twenty heads of families, but very few children, scarce sixty souls altogether; and the population of the other place, which gives itself airs of metropolitan importance, is not more than double. How they have not abandoned the place long ago to jackals and hawks is a mystery.

Who, again, are regarded its Ritwijas? Tell me all this, O performer of a hundred sacrifices. ""Indra said, 'Elephants constitute the Ritwijas of that sacrifice, and steeds are its Audharyus. The flesh of foes constitutes its libations, and blood is its liquid offering. Jackals and vultures and ravens, as also winged shafts, constitute its Sadasyas.

These are the unerring guides, who have pointed out to me in Darius a plant, that will one day wax into a mighty tree." During the interviews with Sappho, Zopyrus and the attendants used all their endeavors to kill a few snipes, jackals or jerboas.

"That of all the idiotic notions I have listened to is the least worth while! Thy brains are in thy belly and are lost amid the fat! If my brother Howrah only had such counsellors as thou such monkey folk to make his plans for him the jackals would have finished with him long ago." "Sahib, did I not bring word, and overhear, and trap the man?" "Truly!

But he wrenched it away, and faced them suddenly, with the eyes of an angry wild beast. "What is this? Is there not blood enough? Wait your turn, jackals; you shall all be fed!" They shrank away and huddled shivering together, their panting breath thick and loud, their faces white with the whiteness of chalk.

I have often heard them barking like jackals or laughing like hyenas when they scent carrion, but to-night is the first time I ever heard them shrieking like furious men, and then groaning and wailing as if they were plunged in the lake of fire and suffering horrible torments. "Look there out there something is moving again! Oh! holy father, exorcise them with some mighty bann.

I have often heard them barking like jackals or laughing like hyenas when they scent carrion, but to-night is the first time I ever heard them shrieking like furious men, and then groaning and wailing as if they were plunged in the lake of fire and suffering horrible torments. "Look there out there something is moving again! Oh! holy father, exorcise them with some mighty bann.